Chapter 36 ~Imposter*

Start from the beginning

She thought for sure it would be over. There was no way her best friend wouldn't recognize her. But then she didn't. As Ursula continued the act, none of them realized it. She almost felt pity for the real Wendy. All her friends, and yes, her boyfriend, were seeing her. They were seeing Wendy Darling.

The tiniest part of her felt sad. Ursula didn't realize it at first, but the way Pan guarded her from potential danger.....she was reminded of how he cared for Wendy before her. So Ursula pushed the feelings aside. She was a villain and against all the odds stacked against her, her plan was complete. No hero could stop her now.

If any of them realized there mistake, the Dreamshade will kill her at Ursula's command. In a way, Wendy Darling wasn't supposed to die. Because death was easy. All the pain and suffering, that's not easy. Ursula had lived through it.

Pan was asleep now, and Ursula liked to watch his face. It was very strange to her how he could seem like such a hero with Wendy. Ursula almost forgot what it was like when he was a villain. Almost. But the anger in those green eyes when they had crossed paths long ago was the reason she was here.

She then thought of a new plan. A plan to turn Pan back to his old self. And then Wendy and Pan could be king and queen of Neverland. Two villains controlling all realms. Together.....


Tinkerbell didn't get any sleep. She wanted to get up and roam the jungle. Do anything other than lay in this cot. But that was impossible because Felix was holding her in a death grip like she was about to be ripped away from him. His chin rested on the top of her head and his arms were rapped around her middle. It wasn't that she didn't like it. Actually she liked it very much.

After being apart from Felix so long, being held like that cured any darkness in her heart. Her face maintained a blush she liked to hide from anyone but him. Everyone said she had such a cold face, only he could see the warmth in her eyes.

And with no warning she was ripped away from Felix. His unconscious body floated upward enough Tink could untangle herself from him. She sprang to her feet and spun to see Wendy. That was when she realized that light blue mist was spreading through the room from Wendy's fingertips. Felix was slowly set down on the cot and Wendy flashed a perfect excited smile at Tink.

"How are you doing that?" Tink asked in amazement.

Wendy's smile widened, "I've been practicing."

Wendy led her to the rocky shores were they sat in silence for several minutes looking out at the gray colored water.

"Why Pan?" Tink asked trying not to sound rude.

Wendy sighed, but didn't face her. "I don't know. It just happened."

Tink looked at her wide eyed. She couldn't believe what she just said. 'It just happened' was the response she got. The one that told her that her best friend loved her greatest enemy. Tink wanted to yell or scream. Why was Wendy being so blunt? Why wasn't she acting the way she had the last time she saw her. Wendy had wanted nothing more than to save Hook from death. The death that would have been dealt by Pan.

Tink suddenly grabbed Wendy's hand. She wanted comfort from her best friend. Instead, blindsided by so much rage, Tink got a flash of a vision.

Tink was seeing the black cloak. She was seeing what happened after she had blacked out. The figure had taken the hood off. A woman with glossy black hair and sharp sea colored eyes was revealed. As soon as Tink could make out the details of the woman's face, she was staring back into Wendy's eyes. But they weren't chocolate brown anymore. For an instant they were the same sea blue. Slowly, the color in her eyes swirled back to brown.

"Tink, what's wrong?" Wendy asked worriedly.

"Does he make you happy?" Tink asked trying to cover her emotions up.

Wendy smiled a knowing smile. "Of course he does, I love him."

Tink nodded in understanding. "Then I guess I'll have to get used to it. I should probably see if Felix's awake."

"Go get him." Wendy said jokingly. Tink forced a smile and jogged back into Felix's tent.

Tink was happy to see him awake and hurriedly closed the tent back up.

"Tink where were you?" He asked looking at her scared expression.

"I was just with Wendy and-"

"You were with Wendy?! You realize that if Pan finds out then-"

"FELIX!" Tink whisper-yelled. His eyes widened. "She's not Wendy."

"What?" Felix asked looking at her as if she was crazy.

"I just saw through her glamour and that's not Wendy. I can prove it, didn't you notice how weird she'd being. How strangely emotional. Wendy isn't that weak." Felix was piecing it together.

And then he realized what was so wrong about her first reaction to Tink.

Mermaids couldn't cry.

Felix looked Tink dead in the eye.

"If that isn't Wendy.......then who is it?"

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