SEVEN: Change Of Heart

Start from the beginning


' I have to get outta here'

{Looks at the window}

' Maybe now is a good time'

I took off the dress/heels and quickly put on a normal shirt, some shorts, and some of Jason's Jordan's

I went to lift it but it didn't open,

"Ughh" I struggled trying to pry it open

'Jason may act dumb but he's pretty smart ill admit'

I looked at the very expensive chair on the side of the room

'But not smart enough;)'

That chair is heavy a'f!

I managed to pick it up

'Finally im going to get out of here'

when I was about to throw it through the window, that stupid voice just had to speak to me-_-

' dont do it drea'

" leave me alone!" I shouted, very pissed off

' You can't leave him, he needs you'

what the fuck?,

I'm must be going crazy because i actually replied?

" No he doesn't he has his gang....... Why am i even listening to this" i said annoyed

' Because you love him'


' You don't know what he's been through, you don't know what he's going to go through'

" Thats no excuse to do what he did" I said pissed off

"and what do you mean i don't know what he's going to go through?" I said to the voice

'Stay with him and you'll see'

"I cant do that, I'm sorry, i cant stay here"I said close to a breakdown

'Yes you can, all he wants is your love give him a chance,please for me

"I don't know who you are, probably my imagination, whoever but please leave me alone"

'I'm real and your going to see that soon , oh and by the way here comes Jason'

"Wait, whaa?"I said dropping the chair


" OPEN THE DOOR DREA, WHO THE FUCK TOLD HER SHE COULD LOCK DOORS!" I heard him yell at me and the guys

" Did you stall for him" I asked the voice angrily

'Hahaha your smart, but I'm not kidding when I say give him a chance'

"I guess I DON'T have a CHOICE now do i?" I said sarcastically

'Haha nope, see ya soon sweetie"

I walked to open the door

But it broke off the hinges I jumped and fell on the floor

I looked up, and into the eyes of a very pissed off Jason

He yanked me off the floor


he held onto me with a tight grip 

I was so scared I couldn't say anything

" Answer me!"

he must be over the 'me slapping the fuck out of him' situation

"Y-yes"I said shakily

I avoided his eyes, i couldn't face him

Finally he spoke

"WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME," he said,I could here the sadness laced in his voice

I looked up and saw the tears in his eyes

"Jason I -"(gco)


I obeyed

"DREA I'M SORRY!"he cried

I looked at him, tears streaming down his face,

I've never felt so cold-hearted in my life

"I-im sorry I took you from your mom, I'm sorry I hit you, I'm sorry for everything!"

I stayed silent, shocked from what he was saying

" But i cant apologize for loving you because i don't regret it, Andrea Dominique I Love you more than anything, that's why I cant let you leave me, please don't hate me"

he said cupping my face,

his eyes were still red

He kissed my forehead

before I could say anything

he released my arms

And walked out

Leaving me feeling like a selfish bitch...... 


awwwww poor Jason:(

what do you think about Jason's apology? 

what about the voice in Drea's head?

comment plzz:)

Peace Love and m&m's

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