Chapter [12] Jillian and Julian

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Heeeeey folks... Uhhh... I updated. Yeah. Sorry for the long wait. Got busy with internship, broken friendships, trying to graduate, capstone and life in General. Anywho, you may now read.

I dunno if some still reads this


Jilli--Julian Hart::POV

That night, I was laying on my bed feeling numb and confuse. After everything that's been going on, I don't think I could handle anymore news.

It was already around 1am and I still couldn't sleep. Thinking back to what mom told me, I don't think i'll be sleeping any time soon.

"Jillian is your twin Sister," mom told me.

I gave her a puzzled look. How is that even possible? I'm Jillian. What the heck is going on?

"But, that's impossible..." I said to her. It doesn't even make any sense at all. I don't remember of having a twin sister. As far as I know, it was only me and Eva.

"What are you talking about mom? I thought it was only me and Eva?"

"You two were young at that time, it was when the both of you were 7 years old," Mom started explaining, recalling memories that was painful for her according to the way she was reminiscing. Eva was quiet in the corner, Dad hasn't arrived yet and Jaimee is just sitting in the corner, listening.

How is it possible that I used to be a girl then and now I'm a boy. Is this some sort of weird connection from my dead twin? Are we living all these years with the same memory but the body switched? Is that even possible?

So many questions in my mind that it's starting to hurt.

I fell asleep with all the stuff that is happening.

"Julian!" A little girl that looks like me came running towards me.

"What's wrong Jill?"

"Let's go and play over there!" She pointed towards the forest.

"But mom says we are not allowed to go there, it's dangerous!"

"Come on! We're old enough to take care of ourselves," she whined.

"We're freaking 7 Jill!"

"So? We have each others back, we're twins after all."

"--and besides Julian. Remember what you did with Eva's project?"

"You call yourself my twin, but you're basically blackmailing me, my twin sister dear," I gave her a pointed look.

"What are siblings for right?" She smiled.

I swear. She'll be a great evil villain like one of those superhero movies we saw.

Me or my Sister dragged me with her and we ran towards the forest. There was not much to see, so I'm kind of confused as to why she wants to go here in the first place.

"Wanna know a secret brother?"


"Promise to not tell anyone?"

"I'm your twin. You don't trust me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2017 ⏰

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