The Truth of Tyler's Past

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OMG!!! The truth comes out!!! And thanks so much for the feed back guys!! Hope more people start to fan vote comment!!!!!! ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Chapter 11

~~~Ariana’s POV~~~

            WHAT? He said I would be able to leave though!


            “Well, why am I here anyways, Mr. Pirate?” I said stiffly, sitting as far as possible from him.

            “Why? You don’t want to stay here? “Tyler said watching me intensely.

            “Just answer my question,” I hissed through my clenched teeth.

            “Someone’s touchy today. Well, Ariana, we’re going to ransom you back because we’re short of money these days. So really, you’ll be here only for a while. Aren’t you relieved?”

            “So you’ll let me go soon?”

            “As soon as I get the money, mhm sure thing”

*Flashback end*

            That little liar! I stepped back a little and slammed the door in his face!

~~~Tyler’s POV~~~

            I guess she didn’t take it well? She isn’t even a little bit happy? I mean, she still likes me right? I hope she does! I’ll just give her some time for right now, to cool down.

--the next day—

            “Alright mates! Get yourself to work and make some money for us!” I yelled.

            “Yes sir!” everyone answered as they walked off the ship.

            Right now, we were at Port Belay. This was a pirate port, so there was no need to look out for officials. I knew mostly all the pirates around these area, and they knew my reputation too. They knew well enough to not ask any questions when I needed a random answer. So I had no trouble looking for Caida.

            “Hey there,” I whispered into her ear.

            “Ahh!” she screamed, since I had snuck up on her to do that.

            “Haha, Caida. Calm down, it’s just me, Tyler,” I said laughing.

            “Not funny,” she said frowning.

            “What, no hello? Not even for your favorite person in the world?” I faked gasped.

            “Hhhhheeeeyyyyyyyy,” she said putting extra emphasis on the entire word, dragging it out for a longer time than needed, “So why are you here again? You never look for me, unless you’re in trouble.”

            “Not in trouble, relax. I just need advice,” I said slowly, making sure to pick the right words.     

            She eyed me suspiciously, “What kind of advice?”

            “Um love advice?” I said it as quietly as possible.

            Caida definitely heard me though. Her eyes bugged out and she chocked on her drink. Yup, I have such nice friends. Note the sarcasm.

            “What?! You. Like. Someone. You sure?” She questioned, looking at me like I was an alien.

            “Is that a problem?” I wondered.

            “But…..but you can’t! Not after Ser-“ she broke off the word quickly.

            “Ser? What are you talking about?” I asked confused.

            “Nothing!” Caida said a little too quickly.

            I narrowed my eyes at her.

            “I’m only letting this go this time, got it?” I told her sternly.

            “Kay,” she said softly.

            “Also, I need to know why I can’t think of something. Is it normal? Whenever I try to think about this certain person, nothing pops up. But I know she’s supposed to be important. But I can’t seem to remember why. Like she’s the reason why I read some books, yet nothing comes to my head. The memory is just blurred, I can’t access it. “I blurted out awkwardly.

            Caida’s eyes grew wide. She looked scared for the first time in a while. Nervously she fidgeted. My anger slowly started to rise, why won’t she tell me?

            “Caida van Lawson, I told you I will not let you get away with not telling me something that I want to know again. So you have 10 seconds to start talking.” I firmly told her, using the full name I knew she hated.

            “Fine, but you must not blame me when this is over. You have ordered me to tell you, and I will.” Caida said a bit sternly.

            “Five years have passed now since those days. You had fallen deeply in love with a young girl. At that time, you were still a young pirate, unexperienced and naïve. You loved her, yet you did not know of the consequences. You tried to woo her many times and failed. But slowly you grew on her. She fell heads over heels in love with you, and you were the happiest person alive then. But all fairy tales come to an end, and soon you had to set sail. You didn’t want to leave her, but what choice did you have? You were gone only a month, yet by the time you came back, she wasn’t there anymore. She wasn’t on this planet anymore. You see, during your adventure, you made many foes, and had one traitor on your ship. He told the others of your lover and they went that night and killed her off. It went straight through the heart, killing her that exact moment. When you found out, you mercilessly killed the traitor, but it was too late. Your love was gone. This is the consequence of being a pirate; you cannot love someone without putting the young girl in danger. After losing her, your mind shut the entire memory out, as a way to keep you safe. That’s why you could not think of her.” Caida explained.

            “What……… what was her name?” I gently asked.

            Caida looked at me straight in the eyes and told me, “Serena.”

            The memories came flooding back along with the name. Her face, the way she walked, the gentle personality, everything hit me hard. My eyes started to sting and watered before I could stop them But why should I? It was because of me that I had lost her. It was my fault. My entire fault.

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