Phase one- Getting Her Alone

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Here's the first chapter that I promised today! I'm working on chapter 5 right now so that'll be up soon. COMMENT PLEASEE I don't need votes or fans but just your opinion. But please do vote and fan if you can! It's not very hard so I hope you will help me. I NEED FEEDBACK THOUGH!



Chapter 4

~~~Ariana’s POV~~~

            “Everyone calm down! We already have guards rushing towards the scene. Please don’t fret!” Lord Henry yelled, desperately trying to calm the panicking crowd.

            “STOP! You all heard Lord Henry; we have the situation under control. Return to your seats immediately,” my mom suddenly shrieked, unable to stand the noise.

            With the Royal Highness having spoken, everyone reluctantly return to their seats. You could tell that they were all itching to leave and return to their safe and sound homes. Well, semi safe and sound homes, I thought, while looking out the window to see a never ending blazing fire that started to spread. Oh no, that’s going to cost a lot to rebuild.

            Sighing and muttering a thanks to my mother, Lord Henry took over again, “Now, I do believe that it is in our best interests if we try to re-“ 

            Bam. The doors to the room suddenly swung open with a great force, causing everyone to look over.

            “Well, what a wonderful party we have here. We are soo sorry to ruin it,” a big burly man said with sarcasm dripping from the words heavily while walking in, “Now if you’ll all be dears, get and line up. Hand over all your valuables like little good children.”

            “How dare you! This is a formal party for the top of the society! And yet you filthy dogs decided to raid it? Off with your head! Now leave in peace, or be escorted to your death by the guards!” my mother stated with the full power of her royal air.

            “Haha, you think I’m afraid of you? I’m a pirate; we’ve been to hell and back. No way a lady like you could make me even flinch,” the pirate retorted and then pulled out a gun, “So get up everyone, unless you want to meet your end now!”

            That’s when the panic climaxed. All you could hear were the screams and shouts of people as they struggled to run outside and the booming laugh of the pirate. My mother herself even looked scared, but maybe I was imagining it. She scrambled over to me and handed me something.

            “Take this and go as fast as you can back to the castle. You can give it back when we meet again. But if we can’t for a while remember this, never lose it! Treasure it with your heart and protect it with your body. Your father got it from his father and he gave it to me when he left. When you grow up, this is meant to be what your child receives. There’s a bit of magic inside from your ancestors that will lead you child, follow the signs,” my mother spoke quickly yet with a surprising amount of gentleness and tenderness, “Now go!”

            And with that I stumbled out the door. Giving the building one last longing look, I started to run, and prayed for my mother to be alright. Right now, she wasn’t the strict mother nor the cold hearted Royal Highness; she was the warmth filled loving mom that cried when she gave birth to me, the one that comforted me when my father left this world.

A Love Story Like No Other(on hold infinitely)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin