Kai and tessa day 3

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So we only got two more days until we can go back to the bounty. I don't know why, but I feel a little weird... It's just... Different...


I sit on the edge of Tessa's bed, and tickle her foot, sticking out of the blanket.

I watch as she kicks her foot a little.

I continue tickling her....


She kicked again, but went to far, and hit me... In the boy parts...

Tessa wakes up when she hears me cringe in pain.

"KAI!?" She screams

"Mmfff!! I'm okay... I'm okay..." I say laughing at the same time.

Tessa sat up on her bed.

"Well, now you know not to tickle my foot!" She said and laughed as well.

We get a good laugh, and finally the pain goes away.

"Okay... Well, that was awkward." I start.

"Yes... It... Was..." Tessa hopped off the bed, walked over to her suitcase, opened it and took out some clothes.

"I'm just gonna rinse off... I still smell like chlorine..." She says and walks into the bathroom.

"Okay," I reply and fall back onto the bed.

I start thinking about Tessa's powers... I mean, she's not supposed to have them according to Zane!

But somehow she still managed to us her rage.... I don't get it...

I push the thought aside as Tessa comes out of the bathroom, not in her pajamas any more.

"So what do you wanna do today?" I ask her, first thing.

"I don't know, I sorta just wanna stay in the hotel room and be lazy all day...." She says with a smile and plops onto the bed beside me.

"Really? Just stay in here all day?"

"There's an arcade downstairs so maybe that later... But overall yes. Just stay in here!" She explains.

"I'm good with that!"


An hour later

A few minutes after asking Tessa what she wants to do today, she soon falls back asleep, next to me.

I look over at her... She's cute while she's sleeping!

I just think about how she's gonna react when I give her, the gift....

(Kai's thoughts)

Tessa's eyes glow as I give her the gift,

"WHAT IS IT!?" She asks me.

I shake my head, giving her no response.

Then there's the sound of ripping paper, and finally a squeal of happiness.

"Seriously, what is it?" She asks

"It'll give you, your powers back!" I tell her.

Tessa then opens the bottle and puts a little on her forehead... So, she already knows what to do with it....

She then lets loose a shock of lightning on Jay!

"THEYRE BACK!!" She screams

Tessa then runs over to me and hugs me.


(End of Kai's thoughts)

I hope that's how it'd go!

Tessa soon wakes up, but she's still drowsy.

"Did I just fall back to sleep?" She asks

I laugh, "HA! Yeah! You're cute while you sleep!"

She shifts herself so that her head is on my lap.

"Yeah, I know!" She says looking at me

I roll my eyes as a joke.

"Tessa?" I start

"What's up?"

"You don't have your powers do you?" I know... Dumb question...

"No... I don't, sadly... It's weird being human... But... I guess I'll have to live with it..."

"Okay... But still... How did you manage to rage like that?"

"...mmm honestly I don't know... Maybe, it's just excess powers..."


Tessa blinked. "If I ever loose powers I sometimes have a tiny bit left over. Like... A water bottle... Lets say I drink all of the water, but there's still little water droplets at the bottom. That's pretty much my excess power."

"You can run out of power?"

"Yeah. I have a certain amount, but it takes several years to completely dry out. When DarkStar killed me... He must have drained all my power and forgot the excess..."

"Oh I'm getting it now!"


Tessa closes her eyes a looks as if she were going to fall back to sleep.

"HEY!" I yelled.

Tessa jumps and open her eyes quickly.


I shout,"Don't go back to sleep!!"

Tessa sticks her tongue out at me.

I mimicked her and she rolls her eyes and sits up.

She sits closer to me,"I'm bored."

I laugh at her joke.... Or, at least I took it as a joke...

"It was your idea to stay in the hotel room!"

"I know!! I still want to but I'm bored..."

I really don't understand this girl.


"What do you want to do anyway in here?" I ask.

Tessa give me her "I don't know" face.

"What about this?" I tell her and press my lips against hers.

(Cole kisses her in her treehouse when she wanted to stop being a ninja, I kiss her in a hotel room, two days before her birthday!)


Hello people!! Remember to vote, because I will only make the new story on one condition!

If I get 40 votes total on any of my stories, then I will make the new one.

It's really close, though!! I have about 36 votes in all! I just need a few more!

Thanks ALOT! I luv u all!!

Here! Have some weird faces!




☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆





*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


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