Preperations day 2

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The boys (and Nya) have done an excellent Job, preparing the party.

They almost have the guest list done.

Only a few more decorations to add.

And Zane has all the food done and done.

Hopefully Kai is trying to enjoy himself while Tessa gets to do whatever she wants.

I walk onto the deck, and it looks amazing, being red and black.

Jay and Cole did a great job decorating!

I head up to the bridge and admire everything I see on the way up, but I am astounded by what I see.

Zane has arranged an amazing choice of foods and in the center of it all is and ice sculpture of Tessa using her weapons.

"Zane,.. This is very impressive!" I gasp

"Thank you sensei! I am very skilled when it comes to cooking!" He said

"I've noticed!" I look over to Zane, and he's still cooking!

"Are you, STILL cooking?" I ask

"Oh, no sensei. I am just making the drinks." Zane doesn't seem as if he is making drinks. He looks as if he's cooking something on the stove top.

Zane continued concocting whatever it was, as I took a walk around the bridge.

Everything was... Breathtaking!! Zane offered me a taste of a desert he made.

I don't know what it was but it had an interesting flavor... Strawberry at first... But then it changed flavor to a sort of citrus... It was AMAZING!

"What is it?" I ask

Zane shook his head. "Honestly, I don't know! I found it on the internet, it's title was 'the greatest thing ever'... But i can tell you what's in it!"

"Go on.."

As Zane said he would, he listed the ingredients, "strawberries, lemon juice, sugar, grapefruit, whipped cream and all that normal stuff. There isn't really anything in it that's unusual,"

"Hmm... Whatever it is, it's better than amazing!" I said

Zane thanked me and went back to cooking.

I briskly walked out of the bridge and onto the deck where Jay and Cole were still working on décor.

"What do you think sensei?" Jay asks as I approach.

I brush away the fact that they spelled Tessa's name wrong on the bannerfor now and go onto the positive things about this.

"It's very nice boys, the colors go together well, and I bet Tessa will love it!"

The boys smiled at the compliment, but then I told them about her name.

"It's T-e-s-S-A not T-e-s-a..."

At that Jay yelled at Cole, "I TOLD YOU!!"

"Alright sensei, we'll fix it right away." Cole said

Then they were up working again.

I then go into Lloyd's room, where Nya and Lloyd are at the laptop, inviting Tessa's friends and family... That aren't in the underworld.

They give me the info on everyone, and it's raised!

We've got 34 people coming, 14 maybe, 6 no, and 16 with no reply.

"Keep going you two!" I tell them as I walk out.

They're doing pretty good!

The secret of the ultimate ninja pt 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat