No tresspassing.

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"Is that the tea you used to get your brother from the underworld?" I asked sensei

"Why yes, Zane it is. But I only have enough to get me, Tessa and one more person there and back." Sensei said as if he were asking one of us to go.

"I'm coming sensei." Cole said. "She WAS my girlfriend anyways."

"Emphasis on WAS! She broke up with you!" Jay started "why are you crawling back to her?"

"Because, Jay, we had no choice. We didn't know when we'd see each other again. So there was nothing else!" Cole said, crossing his arms.

Jay snorted and walked away.

"Anyways... Sensei is it almost done?"

"No... Cole start packing some stuff we might need. Weapons, food, stuff like that. It will be done near midnight. I want you others to help Cole pack."

We all bowed and started to help Cole pack.

We packed his weapons, some food, water, first aid stuff, and something special. (You'll find out what it is later!)

And a little later we were done packing and it was twenty minutes till midnight.


Twenty minutes until I had to go to the underworld...

Kai came up and "man hugged " me as he calls it.

"Good luck bro!" He said

Zane joins in on the manliness,

"What Kai said!!"

Jay leisurely socked me in the arm.

"Yeah, same as Zane."

Nya nudged me.

"Comeback in one piece!"

I nodded and sensei opened the portal.

"See ya later guys!" I said and walked through the portal with sensei.

On the other side was really different than I thought it'd be... But I didn't care about that, our main goal was to get Tessa and return home


I stayed in my room for the rest of the day. My father check on me once but I never left the room.

While my dad was here I told him the deal about Dark Star... And the worst thing ever happened... My father crowned him Prince of the Underworld... This was before I came to the underworld.


"Yes I know, so you shall marry him to become the rightful princess."


"You have no choice!! You will marry him next week." He said then left. I run out after him and run into the .

"Hello my princess!" He taunted. Man I wanted to smack him!!

"Listen, I'm not going to marry you!! I wouldn't even if my old boyfriend was dead!!"

"Oh come on now!! Don't be like that! Who knows, maybe you'll like what you get!"

This time I smacked him around the face. "Shut. The. Heck, up!!"

I then walked out of the castle to the edge of the castles property.

I let loose a bolt of electric power, which knocked out all of the Guckics in the area.

Do I really have to marry him?


I noticed Tessa walked out to the edge of the castle yard.

I walked over to my throne and pressed a switch which activated a force field, that only humans could get through. Good things there are no humans down here.

You had to have absolutely now powers to get through.

I watched as my daughter struggled to get out.

She will marry DarkStar, no matter what!


We only walked for a little while until we found the castle.

"There it is, Cole. Tessa should be somewhere inside." Sensei informed me.

"Okay. Lets go."

We move out and try to walk over the boundary, until sensei hit something.

"What the-?!" I yelled

"I'm not going to be able to get though. Your on your own Cole." Sensei told me.

I nodded and started off.

Because Tessa took my scythe, she took my elemental power with her so I could pass through the forcefield easily.

"Haha!! Take that Garmadon!!" I yelled triumphantly

"Cole? Is that you?" I hear a familiar voice say.

I turn around and gasp at who I come face to face with...

Well? How is it so far?

Who is the mystery person Cole finds? Hmmmmm?? Okay that's easy. You probably already know.

The secret of the ultimate ninja pt 2Where stories live. Discover now