Yaser thought about the Sheikh's proposition. Although his own experience with his old master wasn't the worst, he worried he wouldn't be as lucky working for a white man here in Daccron. And at the same time he wasn't sure if his employer would allow him to resign only after one week of working. "What about my current job?"

"You can't leave it. I know it doesn't pay well but it gives you security and pension while being a butler doesn't. I was thinking you could make your boy do it. That way you could benefit from both jobs." The sheikh had a solution ready for everything. Yaser wasn't the first one who came to him with that problem but he knew Yaser was far more rational than most.

Yaser stayed silent for a second. He knew the sheikh was right, he did need both jobs and the extra cash never harms. He already was planning on making Zayn work but he worried about his boy. Who knew what kind of master would take his little boy in? What if he was the abusive type? Yaser wouldn't be able to protect Zayn because after all, even though Daccron applied the equality rule, the people of Daccron still acted superior to the colored folks.

"I know you are probably worried about your boy but let me assure you being a butler is nothing like being a slave. He works for certain amount of time and he gets paid. If he doesn't like his employer, he could leave and look for another one." Even the sheikh knew that last sentence wasn't one hundred percent true but it had never been tested yet, maybe it was.

"I'll think about it, thank you for your help. See you in the Jummah prayer, In Sha' Allah." Yaser offered the sheikh a polite smile shaking his hand as he got up to leave.

"In Sha' Allah, tell me how it goes with Zayn."


Graffield wasn't the finest of places but it was very urban like. Very cozy in the sense where houses were very close to one another. They barely had any front yard let alone having a backyard. Shops were scattered all over the town, most of them were necessity-shops like food or maintenance and maybe one clothes boutique in the whole town.

That was nothing like the place where the Payne's lived. Zayn was left in utter shock by the view of the street. Each single house had a huge front yard with decorated trees and flowers. At least a single car in the drive way and not a single shop anywhere to be seen. Only huge houses, if not mansions, ahead of him.

Zayn immediately felt like he didn't belong. Never in his life would he be able to afford even buying a single car let alone a house like these ones.

Taking a deep breath, Zayn cleared his mind and focused on the reason he came to this part of town in the first place. His father had told him about a few houses where the sheikh knew they wanted butlers there.

He approached the first house, taking steady steps till he reached the front porch. He straightened his shirt and tried to tame his hair which got messed up by the wind while he walked here.

Knocking on the door, he took some deep breathes as his father had advised him and tried to keep a straight face. The door opened revealing an old black woman. Zayn was shocked to realize that he would be working for a colored person much like himself, it gave him hope that maybe one day he would one such a nice house.

"What do you want?" The old lady asked in a rude manner but Zayn had learned to overlook that and to reply only with politeness. After all she would be his future employer.

"Am looking for a job as a butler, ma'am." Zayn said with as much respect as possible. From what his father had told him, the people of Daccron were very arrogant and liked to feel superior all the time.

The woman nodded and slammed the door on his face not saying a single word taking Zayn by surprise. Did she not like him? Did he say something wrong?

A few seconds had passed and Zayn was not sure if he should leave or knock again. He waited for another minute but no one came to the door so he decided he should go on to the next house. He knew his search wouldn't be easily but he didn't realize he would be rejected as soon as he knocked on the door. The woman didn't even let him speak.

Just as Zayn was stepping down the porch's steps, the door opened again making him stop in his place and look behind him. A white short woman was now standing in front of the door, her yellow flowery dress was very clean and ironed with such care that not even a single wrinkle appeared on it and her blond hair was done to perfection, not a single strand out of place.

"Where do you think you are going?" The woman asked in a dry tone with her perfectly done eyebrow raised at him as she inspected his appearance.

Zayn had seen a lot of white people before but none of them were as clean or perfect as that lady. She made him feel so dirty just standing in front of her. His once white shirt was now a little greyish because no matter how hard his mother had cleaned it, it never returned quite as white as before. His woolen trousers had gathered little specs of dust on his way here and although his hair was quaffed perfectly before he left his house, the wind had done a nice job of messing it up.

Taking a few steps back, Zayn had returned to his original spot in front of the door. He felt so little next to the woman inspecting him but his father taught him better than to show how he felt. He masked everything with a polite and a respectful look as he spoke, "Am sorry, ma'am. Thought you wouldn't hire me."

"What can you do, boy?" The woman disregarded Zayn's words of apology.

"I can take care of yours house, fix yours garden, cook you a fine meal and do some labor work." Zayn said with pride in his skills. His old master had him help all around the house and the field. He always praised what a fast learner Zayn was.

"Have you cooked for white people before?" The woman asked with the same impassive look on her face making Zayn feel so small.

"Yes, ma'am. My old master had taught me how to cook the right way." Zayn added that last part to make the lady feel better. He knew how people like her viewed him. She was disgusted by him and probably thought that his people brought her some diseases.

"Good." The woman had a satisfied look on her face, "You are hired. You will be getting two dollars a day. I want you here at six in the morning and you leave at six at night." She looked at him expectedly.

She knew as well as Zayn that two dollars a day was barely the minimum wage but it was what Zayn had expected after all. It was the timing she wanted him to come in the morning that bother him. Six o'clock in the morning, the colored bus from Graffield works from six thirty.

He had no idea how he would reach the house that early but he knew better than to reject this job opportunity so he swallowed whatever pride he had and nodded his head with respect, "Yes, ma'am."

"Very good. What's your name?" She asked with a smirk on her face.

"Zayn Malik, ma'am."

"What kind of name is that?" She said with disgust then she shook her head, "Whatever, I'm Mrs. Payne. I'll be waiting for you tomorrow at six sharp. I don't like to be kept waiting." With that being said she slammed the door on Zayn's face leaving him all alone.

Taking a deep breath, Zayn walked down the porch with many thoughts about Mrs. Payne consuming his mind. One thing he was sure of, his time working in that house would not be easy.

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