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The great Mayor of Daccron's city proudly announces after months of hard work and long planning, the finishing of Graffield town as the official town for all the colored and others home as the final step to implement the 'Equality Rule' .

The town is equipped with everything starting from school, homes, hospitals, shops, a church and others for all of its future residence where they will be able to live a normal life as equals.

Jobs will be accepting all colored people provided that they meet the qualifications of the job applied to, given that when they are employed they get a wage not minimum than 20 pounds a month.

All of the future residence are welcomed to the city by all the people of the great city of Daccron, where they will be perceived as equals.


The news hit the town of Daccron like lightening in a dark December night. The men held meetings and the women had gossip gatherings.

The city was torn in two. Some despised the decision as they couldn't imagine allowing their slaves to enter their homes, talk to their children, cook their food or even touch their clothes let alone be equals to them. They were their masters and that's how they perceived them.

Others contemplated the idea as a brilliant one. Not the equality part, no they will never allow such a thing. But the mere idea of having help around and not having to take them in like they heard other cities do.

For those people, it was an opportunity to show their superiority. They weren't rich enough to own slaves but with the new equality rule they were sure to get themselves a house servant or two making them fit perfectly in the rich part of the city.

"This is just wrong. We can't have our kids in the same confined place as those things!" Mr. Aboit said with disgust in his voice. He was one of the richest men in Daccron. Mind his closed mind or racist thoughts he was a smart man who owned the biggest mine in the whole of Daccron.

"I agree with Henry. I can't imagine leaving my wife and kids alone with those people. What if they catch a disease or something?" Mr. Styles agreed with Mr. Aboit as he always does. He was a proper stuck up to the old fat man, anything to get him the gold was fine by good old Mr. Styles.

"That's nonsense. The colored are just people, much like us. All they want is to feed their families and make an honest living." Mr. Payne defended the law which was expect since he was the one who brought it to the Mayor in the first place.

"Like us?" Mr. Aboit spat in disgust, "They are slaves. They belong in the field not in our homes." Mr. Aboit's voice was laced with hatred and disgust making the small group of Daccron's finest men murmur in agreement.

Mr. Payne looked at the room filled with rich old fat men. These were Daccron's finest, they held all the decisions. The rulers of the community and if they didn't go with the 'Equality Rule' it will blow over, proving it's failure in yet another city.

It was people like Henry Aboit with the richest of pockets, strongest of voices and closest of minds that made it impossible for the 'Equality Rule' to room the cities of America freely making Mr. Payne's job as one of the illustrators of that rule very much difficult.

"You don't have to allow them in your house, my dear friend. You can employ them in your mines. Imagine your yield with at least a hundred more worker and minimum increase in your spending." Mr. Payne made a valid point which he knew got the gentlemen's attention.

"Jack, Imagine having tens of farmers working in your field without having to house them all instead of your poor old slave. The old soul isn't even keeping up with the ripening season anymore." Mr. Payne got the small group attention as he went to the next person just to prove his point.

"And you Adam, I'm sure you could use some help in the factory. You always wanted to branch out but didn't have the human resources as our fellow lower class were all out in the mine or in the shops. Now you can branch out with the least cost as well."

The men all had eyes of gold now thinking of the future ahead. Every old man planning his own expanding and day dreaming of the money they will have in less than a few months. And neither of them will have to pay an extra dim. Those colored people would be lucky to be getting the minimum wages which was way less the normal worker's wage which would maximize their profit to a whole new level.

If the men of Daccron had one thing income it would have to be greed.

"Gentlemen, having the colored people around would not only benefit them by giving them a dignified life, but us as well. It never harms having an extra hand willing to work around here." Mr. Payne had a wide smile on his face seeing that he had succeeded in his mission.

Mr. Payne was one smart man. He knew who he was talking to and how to approach them to get them to agree to his proposition just like he knew how to get the mayor to agree on building Graffield in a matter of weeks to get the king's grant for implementing the 'Equality Rule' and have Daccron as one of the most advanced cities in the state.

He was sure having the finest men in the city approve the idea of Equality will make things easier as the people of this city follow them without thinking. Now that the colored had a placed ready for them to stay, jobs available for them to work and people willing to accept their presence everything will work out great.

But one thing slipped through Mr. Payne's mind, old habits die hard.



Hey guys, this is a new story. it's kind of different and idk yeah i hope you guys give it a chance.

It's an AU if you haven't noticed already and it's islamic much like all my work lol.

Gonna start updating after i finish 'All Of Me' so it's gonna be a while so please bare with me. add it to your library maybe?

So yeah hope you guys are excited for it as much as i am :D

Loads of love, Marz :*

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