"It's all right, Lou," I tried to assure him, but I wasn't even convincing myself. I knew with one little movement that mist in his palms could come barreling at someone and we had no idea what it was capable of. "Just... don't move, yeah? Can you slowly close your hands?"

Louis sucked in a sharp breath, his shaking fingers gradually curling as he went to make his hands into fists. All of us watched cautiously, prepared to dodge any attack thrown unintentionally. But the mist slowly began to fade as Louis pinched his eyes shut, his hands now in tight fists as if he were scared they'd explode with another unknown power deep inside him.

"You can open your eyes, Louis."

As soon as those beautiful blue eyes snapped open, that's all it took for the boys to start cheering, congratulating him on his new discovery. I wanted to include myself in the praising, but I couldn't find the courage to do so. Why can't I just be with someone without complications? I don't like thinking about it, but sometimes I ponder what life would be like without Louis. I'd definitely have a clear head and steel heart, but he's gradually twisting both of those into foggy memories.

While the boys are upraising Louis, I decided to back away just a bit. I kept an eye on them from time to time, but thankfully Jessie was coming out of the woods, completely breathless and empty handed. I stalked over to him, eyebrows raised expectantly as I waited for some sort of declaration that Marcus was gone.

Jessie shook his head, his erratic breaths turning into pants as he stammered out, "He got away... He was too quick."

Heaving both hands through my hair, I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth and gnawed furiously.

Now Marcus knows our location.

Now Marcus knows Louis could be more than an ordinary sidekick.

Now Marcus knows he's even capable of helping him conquer the world.


The back door is gently pushed open somewhere near one in the morning. It's been hours since Louis' discovery, but I've managed to avoid conversation. So here I am sitting against a tree in the pitch black night, staring up at the stars as if they could guide me properly.

"Were you planning on sleeping?" Louis teased lightly as he walked over to me, sitting in the grass as if mimicking me.

I shrugged.

Louis frowned. "Are you all right, Harry? You've been strangely quiet, and you're never quiet. I've wanted you to shut up a lot before, but now it's worrying me."

I snorted. "Thanks for the concern."

Louis chuckled at my sarcasm that he's most likely grown well accustomed to. His giggles slowly subsided as he gazed at me, his beautiful eyes boring holes in the side of my face. "Seriously, Harry. Are you okay?"

"That sounds like a trick question."

"Can you just answer it?"


"No to answering or no you're not okay? You should really specify, Harold," Louis huffed as he crossed his short legs like a little kid.

I managed to crack a little smile, but it fell as soon as it came. "No, Louis. I'm not okay. But I'm not one for elaborating, so can you please drop it?" I asked quietly, fiddling with my thumbs.

I didn't want to sound harsh to him like I normally do, so whispering was really my only option. A lot of times I didn't even mean to be crude, stuff just spilled out. Sometimes it was because seeing Louis frustrated was incredibly cute, the way his nose crinkled up. Other times it was simply because I was irritated with my own thoughts, or irritated with life in general.

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