Chef Remesch walked out of the house leading a court of waiters with the first of many plates for the evening. Caliope was a little nervous but smiling from ear to ear. The chef himself brought to them their plates. Amra perked a brow as he leaned and rested the very special dish. Immediately after seen it, a big childish smile illuminated his face "Caesar Salad..."

Caliope nodded and chuckled as he looked at her.

Chef Remesh smirked "A very interesting choice as entrance, I admit I would not have thought of it, ever... but I had the most fun picking the ingredients and preparing the special sauce for this one..."

"Thank you Chef... very much..."

He winked at her and turned around to return inside the house, as many started to eat it, Amra was looking at Caliope expectant. She smiled as she knew why; he was waiting for her to pour the sauce on top of the salad. She started to do this carefully on his plate, then on hers, and as soon as she tasted the delicious mix, she felt as her palad exploded with the different textures and the contrast of flavors. She was amazed how much more intense it felt, perhaps due to the hand of the person who prepared them.

And so it happened with the other different plates Chef Remesch presented to them, each had its distinct mark of uniqueness in a way only him could bring. By the time they were presented by the desert, a plate with a variety of sweet delights conquered even the most strict paladars.

There was a soft breeze under the stars, and the moon was at the top of the sky. Caliope was laughing at a comment Chef Remesch made while he was sharing anecdotes, Amra looked to the dance floor where some couples were dancing, and he turned back at her, leaning slowly and brushing his lips on her neck. She shivered and looked up at him smiling 'Can I be honored with a dance, Miss Clark?'

She chuckled and put a hand on his, nodded and stood up. The music changed at their pace as he held her hands and started to dance slowly. Everyone was watching, and Caliope felt a little nervous 'You look beautiful tonight... I want to thank you my Asteria.'

She lifted her head puzzled and look confused, unaware of what he meant 'I am sorry... thank me? For what?'

'For marrying me...'

Caliope chuckled 'You don't have to thank me for doing something I wanted.'

'I just... fear you rushed everything just to push me forward in my mission.'

'Amra!... no!'

She stopped dancing and put both hands on his face, he closed his eyes and leaned softly on her, pressing his forehead on hers. She caressed his chin and cheek as she spoke to him only 'Everything is happening fast, but not unwanted... I have eternity to learn and know you more... and I am where I want to be...'

He smiled but kept his eyes closed, wrapped his arms around her and started to dance again 'I think I am going to enjoy being a husband... I always felt protective of you...'

'I am curious... you said you could see many possibilities when you focus and see someone's future... did you saw us together back then?'

'I remember... I saw so far... but I stopped myself from seen more... I didn't want to see too much...'

'How far you saw?'

'That day... in the library, when you... had that panic attack...'

'You saw that?'

'I saw many... possible outcomes...'

'Was there... other possible... outcomes?'

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