Great, a GEEK. I thought silently...

He was wearing some polo shirt.
And a BOWTIE...

This just couldn't get worse, could it?

I mean who the HECK wears a BOWTIE?! A fricking BOWTIE!!!

And his name was COLBY!! Who in the universe would name their kid COLBY?!?

What's that even short for?!? Coulbius?!

I snapped my head up when I realized I was staring, and suddenly he waved his hand in front of my face. In two seconds flat, even in my handcuffs I had his arm behind his back and growled in his ear.

"Do. Not. Touch me or I will KILL you." He seemed shell shocked, and suddenly I let go before Bryan made it all the way from the back of the room to break us apart. Bowtie, seemed a bit shaken but regained his composure quickly. "Nice moves." He commented I scoffed at his reply rolling my eyes.

"Anyway did you hear anything I was saying beforehand?" He asked

I snapped back at him quicker than firecrackers,

"Do you THINK I was listening?" He rolled his eyes and started blabbing on again, which I only picked up on some of what he was saying biology...forensics...homework...project... I zoned out then, looking at the clock. This was taking forever! Why can't it be lunch?!

"Tori!" He snapped and I looked back at him with a slightly smug smile.

"I need your phone number." That washed the smile right off my face.

Was he trying to hit on me?!
Why that little bast-
"For the project. We can meet at my house tonight." He continued.
Internally I boiled with anger at myself clenching my fists remembering something, as I struggled to push the memory away. It was in the past. Gone.

I didn't need a boy to be happy.

I recalled my thoughts when I swore secretly to never have a boyfriend again. So why did I automatically assume that Colby was asking me out? Especially when I thought that spark of a memory burned out for good?

That was a question that bothered me.

After pushing the thoughts down, I glanced at the clock ignoring Bowtie talking completely and noticed the bell was about to ring. Hastily, I scribbled my number on a note card and threw it at him like a frisbee. It hit him in the neck and he grimaced caught off guard. Right then the bell rung.

Perfect timing. I thought silently getting up Bryan behind me and walked out.

My next couple classes were boring. Since we were half way through the school year, they were in the middle of lessons. In my English class our teacher, Mr. Dotson, was one of the most unusual teachers I've ever had. He even looked unusual. He had a big forehead, that sort of made me think of Frankenstein. He also made more discussion than he did teach.

But when class started and he announced we were reading To Kill A Mocking Bird, I groaned. As soon as he let us silently read whatever chapter, which I wasn't going to read, I noticed there was only one girl that I found peculiar. She was dressed in a gangster hipster style, and I thought about she seemed to stick out like a sore thumb. She didn't seem to be a nerd, and didn't seem to be one of those snobby rich people. I sat the whole class observing her.  She had hazel colored hair in curls like ribbons. Her eyes were a weird color of beige and she was wearing the usual Yoga pants with a crop top and a red and blue flannel wrapped around her waist. She had a dainty yet badass look to her. She seemed a little like me, and I wasn't too happy with that.

Because I was going to be the toughest girl in this school.

And she looked like she was competition.

I don't like competition.


[Authors note:

Thoughts? I've been planning this book for the past couple months. Hope you enjoy!!]

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