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Heyyyy guys! I'm sorry I haven't been active for a month I just have had writers for such a long time, I have to clue what to write  ......I wrote a new chapter for the book, I just didn't post it yet. Its almost been a month and I'm truly sorry. I'm thinking about ending the book at 20 chapters. I have two other new stories I'm working on that I want to do, but won't be released until I finish this one. I also have a book on hold, "One of a kind" Its another Lab Rats fanfiction and I don't know what to do with that one, I feel lazy not updating and I'm really sorry. Please don't kill me :( I'll try to finish typing up the chapter I wrote for "Two Worlds" tomorrow.  Again I'm really sorry! Hope you love the new cover! I also updated the story information ;)

Goodnight!                                                                                                                                                                                                  -Ari 

Lab Rats:Two world's (on hold)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora