Contemplation Compilation

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So, I wrote this chapter in fragments. Which, you'll soon see. I decided to go for a more...introspective approach on this one. And it's probably going to be a little on the long side, so bear with me.

P.S. If you liked my story: Feeling Unloved, you will probably enjoy this chapter.

P.P.S. I'm not going to tell you whose POV this first part is in because I know it won't take you long to figure it out...In fact, you'll probably know by the second sentence—er, third sentence.

I knew something was going to happen. I could sense it. That's why I made Leonardo promise me he would take care of Mona. I told myself I was being paranoid. I told myself that I wouldn't help anybody by being paranoid. Unfortunately, I pushed it to the side, but my suspicions were confirmed as Leo was captured.

After I got him back, the feeling faded for a few moments. But it didn't take long before it was back. I got Leo to the Shell Raiser and all was going well, until the damn thing broke down and we had to walk back to the lair. I told Donnie over a week ago that engine didn't sound too hot, but did he listen to me? No!

We were okay for a couple minutes and then, what happens? We're being followed. Of course we were. I didn't know who the shell was following us, but I knew that whoever they were they were getting a beat down.

Turns out she was some kind of mad scientist, and not the good kind either. She was out to get my brothers and me. And she had some kind vendetta against Mona Lisa. I was surprised. Though I really shouldn't have been with all the crazy stuff that happens in our lives on a daily basis. Considering that we went to that lab and this scientist was the one who followed us, I shouldn't have been surprised. I was convinced that this was the woman who hurt Mona in that lab.

And then Leo had to open his big, fat mouth!

The second he did the feeling in my gut spiked. I knew exactly what that creepy scientist chick was doing. I crouched, ready to leap. I know my brothers. Leonardo probably doesn't even realize how good I am at predicting his movements. I knew he wouldn't let those words go unanswered, and the second his muscles tensed, the way they always do when he's about to charge, I leaped forward, shoving him to the side.

But even I didn't realize that it was gonna hurt quite that much. Everything went black and since then...nothing.


Thinking (Michelangelo's POV)

I've been thinking a lot about what Slash said. Yep, that's right! I might be the master of the whole 'empty mind' technique, but I can think sometimes!

See, I get where Slash is coming from, and I know that he's only looking out for Raph, but he's got this thing all wrong! Yes, Leo and Mona have gotten really close. Yes, she leans more on him than she does on me and Donnie. Yes, they do get a little bit touchy-feely sometimes...but Mona Lisa loves Raphael. I mean she loves Leo, don't get me wrong, but she loves him like the rest of us do: like a bro.

With her and Raph it is sooooooo much get what I'm saying.

Honestly, Leo is just going through the motions, comforting her as best he can. As soon as Raph wakes up, she'll be all his, you can count on that.

I mean, I can't blame Slash for thinking what he did. After all, he was just being a little overprotective. Even after everything that happened, he and Raph still have a really special bond. They watch out for each other. And just like Raph is still protective of Slash, the same thing goes the other way 'round. I get that.

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