Comparing Features

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About a week passed. Donatello had kept the female lizard mutant on an IV-drip to provide her with the necessary nutrients and hydration. She was still weak, but gradually growing stronger.

At the moment, Donatello was updating his brothers on the details of her condition.

Leo and Mikey sat on one couch with Don facing them as he gave his report. Raphael was pacing angrily up and down behind the couch where his eldest and younger brother sat, driving Leonardo insane. It was no secret that Leo didn't particularly enjoy having people stand behind him. As ninjas all of them were hypersensitive to anything and everything, even if the subject in question was out of their sight. Therefore Raph's inability to stand still was wreaking havoc on Leonardo's nerves.

Dark blue eyes narrowed. "Raphael, dammit, just stand still!"

There was a growl before the hothead leaped over the back of the couch and landed next to Michelangelo, seating himself on the opposite end from Leonardo. It was obvious that the hothead was fighting to contain all of his pent up anger and frustration. With a sigh of frustration Raph jumped up and stomped over to the dummy punching bag. A fierce battle cry rang through the lair as he stabbed it repeatedly with his sais.

All three turtle brothers shuddered at the sheer force behind their brother's thrusts. Their eyes were wide as Raphael proceeded to pummel the bag with every ounce of fight he had. Just as Raph threw his final punch Sensei emerged from the dojo.

"What is going on in here?" The turtles' father bellowed. Then the wise, brown eyes fell on the hard, chiseled form of his second son. Raphael's shoulders rose up and down in deep, labored breaths. Bright green orbs glared a furious neon green.

Splinter's angry eyes softened. "Raphael..."

Raph turned away as Splinter attempted to put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry Sensei. It makes me so angry that those monsters were able to do this to her. How could they just...? How can anyone be that heartless?"

The old rat lowered his gaze, when he spoke his voice was a mere whisper. "Raphael, for as long as I could I attempted to protect you from the outside, to shield you from the more horrible aspects of human nature. I understand how difficult this must be for you. But do not lose faith in the human race, my son. There is always hope that tomorrow will bring change. Let us hope that those with accepting spirits like April and Casey represent the greater percentage of human kind."

Raph scoffed. "That's a fickle hope."

"And your view is cynical, my child." Splinter responded, refusing to meet Raphael's eyes.

Raphael's green eyes dimmed and darkened. "It's my nature."


Silence spread over the room. Finally Don cleared his throat, bringing everyone's attention back to him.

Raph's eyes narrowed. "What Don?"

"There is no telling how she'll react when she wakes up or how well she'll be able to recover from what was done to her."

Leo's face darkened as he perceived the jist of what the brainiac was talking about. "You mean that she'll be haunted by memories of what happened."

Don nodded solemnly. "Most likely."

"So what do we do?" Mikey asked.

Don opened his mouth to answer, but Raphael cut him off and answered in Don's place. "We comfort her, support her, and we don't push her. She'll tell us in her own good time."

Splinter glanced thoughtfully at his second child. After much deliberation, and a long period of lingering silence, the rat came to a conclusion. "Raphael, you seem very determined to help her to the best of your ability, my child."

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