Together again

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It's been two weeks since America's memory loss I've been visiting her everyday bringing in pictures of us together but nothing seems to be jogging her memory. It scares me because I don't know if I will ever get her back, I only have another two weeks until she is in danger of staying like this forever. I have taken care of Jacob all by myself, I haven't told America we have a son yet because I know it will make her feel even more guilty.
I pace outside of her hospital room and wait for Marley to come out she has been trying to help with America's memory.
"Maxon?" I hear Marley say as she walks out of America's room.
"Any improvements?" I ask hopefully.
She gives me a pained look "I'm sorry" she says shaking her head.
I sigh walking into America's room.
"Hello" I say to America
"Hi" she says awkwardly waving her hand.
Today I brought a box of everything we did together during the selection,
"So today I think I'll tell you how we first met" I state.
She looks at me in wonder, her blue eyes full of questions,
"You came to the castle for my selection, and it was the night before I was to meet all of you girls, and I heard noise in the hallway turns out it was you trying to get outside. The guards wouldn't let you so I told them it was alright, so you ran outside and I followed you. You collapsed on a bench crying we talked you called me a stuck up prince. And we agreed to be friends so that I would have someone on the inside, you told me about your past love, do you remember Aspen?" I asked her.
She shook her head no. I sighed and continued.
"He was your love, you were still getting over a broken heart when you were forced into the castle. So we became friends." I finished.
"If we just became friends how did this happen" she said gesturing to her wedding ring.
"Well let's just say we weren't very good friends" I say.
"Did you bring any pictures today?" She asked.
"Yes" I said smiling when I pulled a large box filled with pictures of us during the selection.
I gave her the box while I went to the window. After a couple of minutes she finally spoke,
"Maxon, who is this woman?" She asked me showing me a picture.
My heart skipped a beat when I saw the picture, it was America and my mother on the day the selection girls decided to steal my camera.
"T-that's my mother" I said stumbling over my words.
"What happened to her? Is she still in the castle? Can I see her maybe she'll help with my memory." She sad excitedly.
"I'm sorry America she's..." I looked away afraid to see her reaction.
"She's dead" I said trying to hide the tears in my eyes.
"Oh, oh my I'm sorry I really am I didn't... mean...I....never." She spoke fast.
"It's okay," I said coming to sit beside her on the bed.
"She died protecting my father." I said stroking her back.
She gasped putting her hand over her mouth, and I saw tears in her eyes.
"Oh Maxon, I'm so sorry" she said as she held my hand lovingly.
But quickly gasped and retracted her hand.
"America what's wrong?" I asked her when I saw her face, her eyes were wide with fear and question.
"I just had a flash back, it was of you sitting in a white bed, your shoulder was bandaged and you were holding a ring" she said tears welled up in both our eyes.
"Your starting to remember?" I said excited.
America did not look pleased she turned over and started to cry.
"America, this is a good thing." I said stroking her hair.
"I know it's just.... It's so heard realiving all these memories again" she sobbed.
"I know, I know my darling" I said.
"What?" She said.
"I said I know my darling" I repeated.
"Please don't call me that" she said.
I let out a little chuckle recalling all the times she had said that to me before.
"All right I won't" I said.
This was the first time America remembered something and I was determined to get her to remember all of it before the two weeks were up.

I really am sorry I don't  even know how many times I have said this but I'm going to try and finish this story really soon so here's a bit of a longer chapter.

Love you all and thanks 😘

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