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PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER: It was spinning crazy at the veto competition. Eshani wins the veto competition. Eshani wins the veto after beating Duckie! At the veto meeting, Eshani saves herself and Bradlee puts Karina as the replacement nominee.


DAY 47

*In the HOH room*

Gage: *whispers* "This is going to suck, but I think evicting Jayson this week will be better then evicting Karina. We have a better chance of either of us winning if he is gone."

Bradlee: *whispers* "I think so too. I just don't want to break Duckie's heart you know? This sucks."

Gage: "But Jayson would win because he was friends with everybody in the jury except Clarke so far. You know he has Duckie's vote."

DR: Bradlee: "My heart is extremely torn right now. I wish Eshani didn't win the freaking veto, or this situation wouldn't have happened!"

*Meanwhile outside on the swing*

Jayson: "You know I am the one probably going home, but I accept it."

*Duckie begins to get upset*

Duckie: "I don't want you to leave though. This sucks. I hate it. Its Eshani's fucking fault. It's my fault, I should have kicked her ass."

Jayson: "Duckie, don't blame yourself. It's just a game darling. You can do this. Plus it's not like we don't have to wait long to see each other." *Kisses Duckie's forehead*

Duckie: "Yeah, you are right. I love you"

Jayson: "I love you too"

*They kiss*

DAY 48

IT IS TIME FOR THE LIVE EVICTION! Houseguests in just a few minutes we will begin the live eviction. Karina & Jayson, you will each have one more chance to persuade your houseguests to keep you. Karina, you can go first:

Karina: "Houseguests! I had a fantastic summer with all of you! I have gained 13 new friends that I will have for a lifetime! If you guys choose to keep me, it would mean alot! If not, I understand and I will party in the jury house! Thank you Big Brother for this opportunity! Thank you!"

Thank you, Karina! Jayson, it is now your turn.

Jayson: "I want to thank Big Brother for this amazing opportunity in playing this season! I have so many memories from this amazing summer! I consider everybody in this room and everybody from this season my friends. Because of this show, I found my amazing boyfriend. Duckie, I love you baby very much and I have been my happiest since meeting you almost 9 weeks ago. You can do this! Fight and play hard! If you guys wish to keep me, I will be super happy, but if you guys don't I totally understand! Thank you!"

Thank you, Jayson! Okay houseguests, one by one you will go in the diary room and vote. The nominees and HOH cannot vote.

Duckie votes to evict KARINA
Gage votes to evict JAYSON
Eshani votes to evict JAYSON

It is official, with a 2-1 vote, Jayson will be evicted from the Big Brother House. Let's tell the houseguests! Houseguests! When I reveal the name  of the evicted houseguest they will have a few minutes to say goodbye.

By a vote of 2-1, Jayson you are evicted from the big brother house.

*Duckie begins to cry. Duckie and Jayson hug*

Jayson: "Don't cry, baby. It's okay. It will only be for 3 weeks or so. I love you. You can do this okay? "

Duckie: *nods*

*They kiss*

*Jayson leaves the house*

Gage: "Jayson I feel so awful evicting you but I had to do it for Brad and I's game. The end of this game is very hard and sucks because all of you guys are my best friends. You are an amazing friend, one of the coolest people I have ever met. We will keep Duckie entertained until the end. See you on finale night and have fun in the jury house!"

Duckie: "Jayson, I wish you were in this house with me. I love you so much. I haven't told you this but you are my first boyfriend and you helped me realize who I really was. To all my family at home who have not put two and two together, I am gay, and I am in love with Jayson. Hopefully I'll see you finale night when I win this thing, or sooner. Either way, I can't wait. Love you!"


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