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Here's last week standings if you missed it!
HOH: Arielle
NOMS: Clarke & Amy
POV: Steve
POST VETO NOMS: Maggie & Amy
EVICTED: Amy (8-1)



DR: Clarke: "Because of Arielle outburst last week, I feel like I am the number one target this week for anybody that is not in my alliance. This HOH is crucial for me to win.

DR: Arielle: "I really want Benjy to win HOH to insure my safety and his safety. Benjy has been the number one target since week one."


Arielle: "Congratulations Eshani, you are the new head of household!"

DR: Eshani: "This week I am not focus on the big targets, but on the big target's little helpers. If I can get one of them out, then they will lose a number as the weeks go on and ultimately lose control of the house."

*In the comic book room*

Benjy: "Congrats on the win! Clarke and you were neck to neck the whole time! He is pissed!"

Eshani: "I know, Ben. It was close."

Benjy: "It sure was. So do you any idea who you want to leave this week?"

Eshani: "It's so weird, it's like last week I had a perfect game plan, but that crumbled when Amy left. I've kinda been leaning towards getting Arielle out, what do you think?

DR: Benjy: "Woah woah woah Eshani! Why do you want to put your biggest ally showmance up? I need somebody on Clarke's side going home this week."

Benjy: "The thing is, I don't see Arielle as a threat. It's not just because we are a showmance, I just genuinely trust her. If she wins HOH anytime soon, know this: I'll tell her not to put you up, she will not. We could use her to advantage if we wanted to."

Eshani: "I'll keep that in mind, but what about our nominees for this week? Did you have anyone besides Steve you wanted to put up?"

Benjy: "Not necessarily, but I do know if we want Steve to leave, we need to put him up alongside someone who people like, who most likely can't save themselves."

Eshani: "What if we put up two people that are well-liked?"

Benjy: "I have an even better idea. I have overheard people questioning us as a duo. If I pawn this week, and act shocked, no one will suspect that it's actually staged. The well-liked nominee will be Brad. The other nominee will be myself."

DR: Eshani: "Benjy must have forgotten that Arielle saved his butt last week by breaking her deal with Clarke's alliance to put him up. Why would you volunteer to be a pawn? But hey, it's one nomination I don't have to worry about!"

Eshani: "That sounds like a wonderful idea. So, to be clear, the plan is to put up you and Brad, with Steve as the backdoor option?"

Benjy: "Correct. Finally, lets discuss the numbers we have. We have me, Arielle, Duckie, Jayson, and Maggie. Are you positively sure that they will vote together?"

Eshani: "There is no question that Duncan and Jayson will vote together. I'm not sure about Arielle and Maggie, though. We may have to have a group meeting to solidify our plan. How does that sound?"

DR: Eshani: "I know Benjy can convince Arielle to vote our way, but it's Maggie we have to worry about. She flips all the time so I don't know if I can fully trust her with a vote to get Steve out this week."

Benjy: "That sounds great. This week is in our hands, Eshani. I can't wait to see how far we'll go in this game."

DR: Benjy: "Getting Steve out is the best way for Clarke to realize he lost control of this house. I am super stoked and I can't wait for what happens this week."

*In the purple room*

Gage: "Do you want something to eat, love? What's wrong, babe?"

Bradlee: "I am just so worried about nominations."

Gage: "Why, love?"

Bradlee: "Because, we don't really have a connection with Eshani, and I am terrified that one of us will leave this week or next week."

Gage: "Well if you are nominated some how, I'll do everything I can to get you off the block."

Bradlee: "Aw, you are so sweet baby. Come here and snuggle."

Gage: "Let me finish cooking first. Do you want something?"

Bradlee: "Grilled cheese, please."

Gage: "Sure, love. I'll be right back baby."

*A few hours later*

DR: Clarke: "I feel like the number one target because of Arielle's HOH reign last week. I need to secure my safety this weeks and weeks to come."

Clarke: "Hey Eshani, can we talk?"

Eshani: "Sure! How are you?"

Clarke: "I just want to know if I am the target. If I am, I completely understand."

Eshani: "You are not my target, dude. Trust me, you are completely safe."

Clarke:  "I am not a backdoor target or anything like that?"

Eshani: "Not at all. Look, I wouldn't lie to you about this. If you were, I would tell you straight up."

Clarke: "Okay, well then who is your target?"

DR: Eshani: "Clarke must be silly to think I am going to tell him my real target. My real target is his big ally Steve, but I know he'll take it offensively, so I may have to switch it up on him."

Eshani: "I was thinking about nominating Bradlee."

Clarke: "Do you honestly think is a good idea? I mean, he's trustworthy, loyal, won't do anyone any harm--"

Eshani: "That's what he wants you to think, Clarke. I know all about him. He's just trying to decipher your strategies, so once he wins HOH, he'll kick you right out of here. I know his type."

DR: Clarke: "I feel very confident in my safety this week. I feel awful for Bradlee but this isn't the Amazing Race, where you play as teams. And if getting Bradlee out will help me win this, I will do it."


BIG BROTHER 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora