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PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER: Amy was evicted 8-1 from the house. Eshani won Head of Household, after a battle with Clarke. Eshani and Benjy talk about nominations. Eshani wanted to but up Arielle, but Benjy says she is trustworthy. Eshani's plan is to get rid of Clarke's too ally, Steve after Steve kept Clark save last week.


DAY 27

DR: Maggie: "I feel kinda alone in this game, because everybody in the house pretty much as a showmance except me, Karina, Clarke & Steve."

*Maggie & Karina are on the hammock*

Karina: "How long were you married for? I have been married for two years."

Maggie: "I was married for eight years. And I have two boys."

Karina: "Aw, how old are your boys? After this show I want to have a baby."

Maggie: "Josiah is 6 and Andrew is 4. I would ask your husband if he is ready, because if they aren't one hundred percent ready it can mess your marriage up, trust me."

Karina: "Oh, so your ex wasn't ready? Is he taking care of kids while you are in here?"

Maggie: "I think he was ready. It's just I think he got overwhelmed. And no he isn't. Due to legal reasons, I don't want to say why. The boys are with their grandmother while I am in the house. But I give him credit, he is trying to get better. I have a court date about a month after this show ends. Hopefully he can be the person he was."

Karina: "I am so sorry to hear that. I hope everything works out and he changes especially for your boys."

DR: Karina: "Maggie is so brave & strong. I really want to work with her in this game. She really wants to win this for her boys!"


Eshani: "My responsibility as head of household is to nominate two people for eviction."

Eshani: "Hey everybody! It is time for the nomination ceremony"

*Everybody comes inside*

Eshani: "This is the nomination ceremony. It is my responsibility as head of household to nominate two houseguests for eviction. Being head of household is a very heartbreaking responsibility for me. I don't want to see any of you leave, but I was force to pick. I hope all of you respect my decisions. We will each turn a key, if your name is not called after all the keys are turned, you are nominated for eviction. I'll turn the first key. Clarke, you are safe."

Clarke: "Thank you, Eshani. Arielle, you are safe."

Arielle: "Thank you, E. Jayson, you are safe."

Jayson: "Thank you, Eshani! Maggie, you are safe."

Maggie: "Thank you, very much Eshani! Steve, you are safe."

Steve: "Thank you, Eshani. Karina, you are safe."

Karina: "Thank you, Eshani. Very much. Gage, you are safe."

Gage: "Thank you very much, Eshani! Duckie, you are safe."

Duckie: "Thank you, Eshani."

Eshani: "All the keys have been shown. I have nominated you, Benjy, and you Bradlee for eviction. My heart is breaking, I never thought I would be put in such a compromising position, but it has to be done. I'm afraid that both of you are very strong competitors, and I'm just not sure how the tables will turn if either one of you receives power. I hope you understand. This nomination ceremony is adjourned."

DR: Clarke: "Eshani kept her word by not nominating me. But I will still be little bit worried until after the veto meeting. But I think I found myself a new ally."

DR: Bradlee: *crying* "I knew I was going to be nominated I freaking knew it! I am so worried and I want to know why. I can understand if I did her dirty, but I have not. I don't want to leave Gage yet. This is bullcrap."

*In the red room*

Gage: "I'm so sorry, baby. Everything is going to work out. Trust me, love."

Bradlee: "This is awful. Like, I don't know what I did to her like what the hell!"

Gage: *whispers* "Shh, Shh, Don't let anybody else hear you baby."

Bradlee: "Why? I'm going home anyway!"

Gage: "Bradlee! Don't say that! I'm sure Eshani has an explanation for this. Let's go and see her upstairs."

*Gage & Bradlee head to the HOH room*

Eshani: "Just the two I wanted to see. Please come in."

Bradlee: "It's just hard for me to believe that you would put me up. We have never had any problems in the past."

Eshani: "As I said before, I meant nothing by it. I just had to put someone up, and I figured no one would vote you out. I actually have a plan for who I'm evicting this week and it is not you, Brad, or you, Gage. Would you like to hear it?"

Gage: "Yes, tell us."

Eshani: "My original plan was to put up two pawns, and leave open a backdoor option. I feel like we can work closer as a group if no one has any ideas about where we stand as an alliance."

Bradlee: "So, you don't plan on sending either one of us home, right? Or Clarke?"

DR: Eshani: " I can't tell Bradlee & Gage about Steve being my target, they will absolutely tell Clarke about the plan and ruin it. I need Steve to go home this week and not being in the jury."

Eshani: "Don't worry, I have this completely thought out. If this week goes the way I plan, you three will be completely safe and non-targets... Under one condition, of course."

Bradlee: "Which is?"

Eshani: "You two MUST vote to keep Benjy this week. I have already discussed this with Clarke, and we have decided that it is a fair deal."

Gage: "Okay, that sounds fair."

DR: Eshani: "All right, so now that Brad & Gage know my plan, they will vote to keep Benjy safe this week. With that being said, I can now move forward onto the next step, the Power of Veto!"


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