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PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER: Karina, Gage, Bradlee, Arielle, Maggie and Jayson fought the slippery slope to win the veto. After two long hours, Gage won the power of veto! At the veto meeting, Gage decided to use the veto on his boyfriend Bradlee. In a shocking twist Karina put Maggie up as a replacement nominee.


DAY 34

The Last Laugh power winner will have the ability to choose who will NOT vote during this next live eviction! The houseguests will not know who won the power, unless the winner discloses.
*This is a different format then the one used on bb17*


*In the diary room*
Production: "Congratulations Clarke! You won the last laugh power. With this power, you will be able to choose three people to not vote during this eviction.

Clarke: "Awesome! Any three people?"

Production: "Yes. The rest of the houseguests do not know you won. You can tell the house if you choose to."

Clarke: "I'm not telling anybody! This is awesome!"

Production: "Two hours before the eviction we will call you to the diary room and you will tell us the three houseguests you have chosen."

*In the pool outside*

Karina: "What does the last laugh power even mean? I didn't win it. I wish I did."

Duckie: "I think it's something to do with the head of household power or something. I think Clarke won it."

Karina: "No! I didn't want Clarke to have control. I am pissed."

Duckie: "I wouldn't worry about it. It's probably nothing huge. I'll figure it out and we will get Maggie out this week."

Karina: "Yeah I hope so. Eshani's plan did not work out last week so I'm hoping you guys work with me this week."

Duckie: "You have Jay & I. One hundred percent. Hey, I have a question? What made you change your mind in evicting Maggie this week?"

Karina: *whispers* "Ari told me that Maggie would target me next week. I feel bad doing it because Maggie has two small kids and her ex is a fucking douche bag."

Duckie: "What did her ex do?"

Karina: *whispers* "She never said. She just beated around the bush around you know. I think he was a drug addict because she said her ex has no custody right now. What else could cause that?"

Duckie: "You never know. Anything can make you loose your kids nowadays. But that should not be the reason she goes home. Maybe because her kids watch the show and don't know any details about their dad."

Karina: "She's a floater. She has floated to person to person each week. I'm sick of that shit. Well we have the votes hopefully to get Maggie out."

DR: Duckie: "Karina! What the hell! This was your one shot to get a huge target out this week but you are going to listen to Ari about a rumor. Ari never said that Maggie would target her. Ugh!"

DAY 35
IT IS TIME FOR THE LIVE EVICTION! Houseguests in just a few minutes we will begin the live eviction. Gage & Maggie, you will each have one more chance to persuade your houseguests to keep you. Maggie, you can go first:

Maggie: "I have had fun this summer! The most fun I have had in a while. I have been loyal. I have voted with the house, despite what the rumors are saying. I will help any of you get far in this game. If you vote to evict me I will respect that. I will be able to see my boys who I haven't seen in the past month. Thank you."

Thank you, Maggie! Bradlee, it is now your turn.

Gage: "Playing this game has been a life dream of mine. And to actually play is amazing! I am having so much fun and I want to continue my game. I also met an amazing guy. Bradlee, I love you so much. You mean a lot to me. If I do get evicted, you can do this! Please keep me in this game, I am loyal and I have a fantastic track record. Thank you!"

Thank you, Gage! Okay houseguests, one by one you will go in the diary room and vote. The nominees and HOH cannot vote.

The winner of last laugh power has the power to make 3 houseguests sit out during the voting process of the eviction and they cannot vote. The people who cannot vote are: Benjy, Jayson & Eshani. So please, Benjy, Jayson and Eshani please sit in the kitchen and we will bring you guys back in when the voting is over.

Arielle votes to evict GAGE
Gage votes to evict MAGGIE
Clarke votes to evict MAGGIE
Duckie votes to evict MAGGIE

It is official, with a 3-1 vote, Maggie will be evicted from the Big Brother House. Let's tell the houseguests! Houseguests! When I reveal the name of the evicted houseguest they will have a few minutes to say goodbye.

By a vote of 3-1, Maggie, you are evicted from the big brother house.

Bradlee: "Maggie, I feel awful about this eviction. I know you played for your boys. I just could not vote out my boyfriend. Love you, girly! You are one of the strongest girls in here. Have fun with your boys and see you at the finale!"

Arielle: "Maggie I was told a different plan from Karina. I will get vengeance just you for girl! I hope we keep in contact after the show! Have fun with your boys, I know you missed them like crazy!"

Jayson: "Maggie, I would have voted for you to stay. Karina told us Gage or Bradlee was the target. I don't know what caused her to change her mind. You were one of the most loyal players in this game and you are such an amazing person!"

Next week will be DOUBLE EVICTION! Also the JURY phase will begin!

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