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I got up in the morning, the sun still not risen yet and began to get up with the determination to get Katy's forgiveness. I got prepared and grabbed my guitar hesitantly, slowly wrapping my fingers around the cold wood and metal of the strings.

The last time I played it was when...Katrina was with me.

I got up that morning to see Katrina laying in my arms, very cutely snoring quietly and curled up in my chest. I kissed her gently on the forehead before slowly extracting myself from her grasp only for her to whine in her sleep. I still smile knowing how she always knew when I was getting up even as she was sleeping. I kissed her gently on the head again whispering softly "I'll be back my love I promise."

I slowly removed myself completely and walked to the kitchen, peeking in the guest room, seeing Katy sleeping with the same cute snore. I arrived in the kitchen and started cooking breakfast. I opened the fridge to see an amazing sight, enough food for both of them and grinned happily, yanking all the food out of the fridge.

Awhile later, I was setting food out for the both of them and setting a quiet alarm for the both of them. I showered, got ready, getting my uniform on and wrote a note for them.

~ Morning guys :) I hope you guys slept well! I'll see you guys in a few hours just gotta get money for the bills lol! Eat it all if you can and don't worry I already ate so enjoy! I love you guys! Katrina, my love we have a date tonight don't forget! We gotta make this night count...your dad comes back in a few days... Anyways Katrina babe dinner tonight don't forget, I made reservations! Katy house is yours tonight as long you make sure it's in one piece and not trashed when we get back. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR ME!~

I smiled even as my stomach grumbled while setting it next to all the food that was left in the fridge of which I hadn't even had any taste of. "I know buddy but they come first so we are gonna have to go a little without food" I whispered softly to my stomach ad I rubbed it and walked out the door.

I was about to shut the door only to pause, run back in the door and kiss my baby gently on the lips. I felt tears of joy brim in my eyes as I saw such perfection and I felt them come down in floods as I knew it was just mine and mine alone.

I was sweating but for once I wasn't tired and sore from work as I ran home grinning like an idiot. It was around 5pm when I ran through the open door to the open arms of Katrina.

"BABY!" I yelled hugging her and kissing her as I twirled her in my arms. "BABY I MISSED YOU TOO BUT YOUR SO SWEATY " she screamed laughing as she tried to pull away.

I laughed and ran into the shower again for the second time of the day and got dressed quickly, pulling Katrina with me out the door. "KATY HOUSE IS YOURS ENJOY BUT NO PARTIES OR ANYONE OVER" I yelled. "ESPECIALLY BOYS!" Katrina chimed in as we closed the door, dropping a $100 off on the kitchen table for food.

"Sooo mr. Perfect where we headed?" Katrina giggled as I held her to me while we walked to the taxi. "Oh I thought you planned it seeing as it'd my bday" I said smiling on the inside but giving a blank face on the outside. "Oh...yea I totally did" she quickly said trying to cover up, biting her bottom lip as she did so. "Don't worry baby I made reservations...didn't you read the note?" I asked opening the door for her, "truth be told my darling I skimmed it I was so hungry and your cooking is the best" she smiled sheepishly, getting in the taxi with me following after. "The wharf please good sir" I told the driver cuddling Katrina in my arms. "Why we going to the wharf?" She said puzzled only for me to smile even wider. "Close your eyes" "um..ok babe..your not gonna murder me and dump my body there are you?" I laughed softly and slowly a necklace around her neck "open them love". She opened them to a loud gasp as she saw the necklace. "THESE ARE REAL DIAMONDS!!! BABY THIS IS YOUR BDAY NOT MINE YOU SHOULD BE GETTING PRESENTS NOT ME" she yelled at me hugging me tightly. "Shhh I chose to so don't worry babe" I kissed her deeply as we arrived at the wharf.

We got out and I paid the man and we walked up to a small boat. It wasn't any small boat though: it had lights all over, a waiter standing on the dock, violin played softly in the background, there was a candle light dinner, the moon reflected off the water and dolphins jumped in the water.

Her hands went to her mouth as tears once again welled in her eyes and I wrap an arm gently around her leading her up the walkway. She slowly and shakily walked to the plank up to the deck, gasping as she saw a bouquet of roses waiting for her. The men got the ship ready and we took off heading slowly out to sea. While we did I slowly led her to the table, pulling her chair out which she slowly sat down on. "Babe...I don't deserve this.." she mumbled, slowly looking up only to be greeted with my lips against hers. "This isn't for you it's my birthday dummy" I smiled, kissing her again and sitting across from her.

Dinner was amazing after she calmed down and relaxed, we laughed and talked the whole night away, we nearly died from laughing and joy. "Katrina, I love you. I'm in love with you" I spoke, my eyes softening along with hers, "I love you too my love".

"So...will you?" I said smiling even wider, tears streaming down my face. "Wait...will I what? Why are you cr-" she stopped in mid sentence as the waiter brought out dessert. She broke down crying as she saw it, her hands flying up to her mouth as she began breathing deeply. I smiled gently as she spoke the words and kissed her getting up from my seat. I walked slowly to her, my tears ran down my face as I held my hand out to hers, pulling her slowly and gently up from her seat when she laid her hand in mine lightly into my arms. We danced the night away and watched the stars and moon, cuddling. I reached over grabbing my guitar and slowly strummed to a song to which we shared our first kiss. Kids Will Be Skeletons by Mogwai is such a relaxed tune.
I looked at her, my eyes twinkling as I stared into the beautiful eyes that I loved and often watched for hours from their sheer beauty. "Babe you never answered the question from dessert. Do you or no?"

She said slowly so as not to break down crying. "Yes, I do"

I shakily took the guitar as tears didn't stream, flood, or pour down my face. They shot out them, nonstop, over and over, I breathed ragged breaths trying contain my pain to no avail..I screamed to the high heavens, sitting there for a few minutes before composing myself and adjusting my ring. The diamond shined and twinkled as did the gold engraving of Katrina's name which made me bite my lip as to not cry again.

I started walking to school slowly and quickly spotted Katy who looked as beautiful as ever. "KATY!" I yelled running up to her as she gave me a cold look "what do you want?" "I wanted to earn your forgiv-" "no need it's given" she spoke nonchalantly. "Also Katy I wanted to sing you something" I quickly said before she left. "Fine but hurry up I have class" she spat out at me as she sat down in front of me.

I cleared my throat as I began to sing.
"Check yes, Juliet
Are you with me?
Rain is falling down on the sidewalk
I won't go until you come outside
Check yes, Juliet
Kill the limbo
I'll keep tossing rocks at your window
There's no turning back for us tonight.' People slowly stopped watching us as I sang to her, my eyes never leaving hers though.

"Lace up your shoes
Ayo ayo
Here's how we do." Her eyes slowly widened as she figured out what the song was.

"Run, baby, run
Don't ever look back
They'll tear us apart if you give them the chance
Don't sell your heart, don't say we're not meant to be" Her hands slowly went up to her face covering her mouth as she began to tear up and I knew she was getting my underlying message.
Run, baby, run, forever we'll be
You and m-" I was interrupted as a guy swooped in and kissed Katy full on the lips. "Hey how's my wonderful girlfriend?'

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