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       I suddenly came back to the present with Katy choking back another sob. "Shhh it's okay Katrina is watching over us now" I whispered softly into her forehead as I gently kissed it. She looked at me with bloodshot eyes, her caramel brown eyes now a dull brown, "but I don't want her watching over me" she said silently "I want her here with me! I want her alive and happy not dead and gone!" she screamed crying into my chest again.
       She cried for another hour as my shirt progressively became more and more damp.
       Eventually she collected herself and got up letting me go as she wiped her eyes. "Come on...we are late for class" she mumbled while walking into the bathroom to freshen up. I sighed getting up and beginning the horrible process of trying to find a shirt to switch with seeing that this one was wet and uncomfortable. I found a red v-neck to wear tossing it on me and yanking my bag from under a pile of clothes just in time to see Katy walking out looking like she could be a playboy bunny and wasn't having an emotional breakdown five minutes ago. 'Fuck she looks gorgeous' I thought as I scanned her up and down. I looked at her long tan legs with a pink skirt just short enough to tease everyone that walks by making them beg for it to rise just a little more but not so short that it actually shows anything. She also wore a crop top that looked so strained in the chest area that a simple breeze could cause the shirt to explode enough revealing her giant breasts, her long wavy black hair fell to the bottom of her waist somehow moving without a breeze or wind.
       "Come on let's go I don't wanna be here anymore" she said in a monotone voice as she walked out the door "let's go quick draw" she said as her luscious pink lips graced her with the faintest of smiles. I glared at her as I slipped on my black nikes and followed her. "I do not cum easily! I could make you cum 5 times before I finally cum" I yelled at her causing her to look back finally grinning "we will never find out because I will never ever touch that dirty, limp, disease ridden dick" she retorted "now don't argue Stiffy we have class" she said ending the argument skipping to class.

To Love or Not to LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora