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I jumped awake, clutching my chest, my heart pounding so hard I swore I could hear the beating all around me as I was swearing profusely, and shaking. It took a few minutes for me to finally slow my heart rate to normal levels after which I lay back on my bed.

"Fucking nightmares" I mutter to myself as I lay in my sweat drenched clothes, the cloth feeling sticky, wet, and warm all in one nice little package but I didn't care about that for the moment.

'Same fucking dream for the past two years' I contemplated this silently as I zoned out staring at the ceiling.

I slowly drifted off to sleep after a few minutes, soft snores filling the silence before a loud scream erupted from the kitchen. I shoot up alert, sprinting to the source. Blood trails and signs of struggle are all over the walls and destroyed rooms and pools of blood where shown from open doors. A louder scream came from the kitchen along with the sound of crying making me speed my pace. I dashed into the kitchen to see a woman whose body had not one place that wasn't cut, broken or bruised, some even a combination of them. She hung there silently by her wrists, they were wrapped in wires, her green hair hung down her face covering it from view. But even without seeing the face I knew who it was. "Fuck..fuck fuck fuck fuck....FUCK!" I sobbed as I fell to my knees in front of her, slamming my fists hard into the ground. "Even fucking now I can't escape it dammit!" I screamed at myself as my arms and legs become covered in her blood. I lay there sobbing as the blood slowly vanished and the rooms returned to normal. The last thing to fade away was her and as always the last thing I see is the message on her chest "we never forgot the debt, don't worry we will collect the rest later." Then finally my fiance's body faded away and I was left there, the hallucination gone, only my sounds of crying left in the silent house.

I laid there for the better part of an hour before a soft knock echoed throughout the house. I ignored it at first wanting just to die and be left alone before a second knock sounded followed by a third, a fourth, fifth, sixth.. it continued till I finally stomped down stairs my face a mask of rage. But when I opened the door my face instantaneously became a face of neutrality. "What do you want?"

To Love or Not to Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें