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The silence ensued for a good 2 minutes as we stared at each other; her with a scared, deer in headlights look and me with a startled, confused look. "WELL?!" I yelled trying to get an answer from her. "I thought it was gonna wake you up faster!" She yelled back before pausing looking where my eyes were staring at next. "STOP STARING" she screamed as her fist greeted me in the face, causing my head to shoot back into the wall and see stars again. 'Fuck her fist hurts' I groaned inwardly as I clutched my head in pain while she got up promptly grabbing her clothes, redressing herself.

"Get dressed!" She screamed at me causing me to yell back "why the hell are you yelling!? And why the fuck were you nearly naked on me?!" She looked at me tears welling in her eyes before running out, slamming the door behind her.

'The fuck just happened?' I wondered sitting up, my nose giving a dull throb as a wet feeling came from it. My hands reached up and wiped it away, coming back with a light red dash on it. I stood up only to quickly shoot a hand out to the wall trying to steady myself as I made my way to the bathroom.

"God my head is pounding" I muttered, looking at myself in the mirror as I was wiping the blood from my nose. I tucked some toilet paper in my nose to stop the bleeding, sighing as I do so before sitting down on the toilet, my head aching from the pain. I blindly reached for the Advil grabbing it after a few failed attempts, that only succeeded in grabbing empty air and grabbed a few pills popping them into my mouth dry.

I sat there for a few minutes letting the painkillers do their job, looking at my phone for the time. It was close to 8pm causing me to sigh debating what to eat. Burger with fries sounded good at the time so I got up, walking to my closest, my nice white shirt having a few drops of blood, only to stand in front of it, staring at it. 'Come on...come on...COME ON!!!' I screamed inside urging myself to open the closest door and grab a new shirt. 'COME ON! COME ON!' "FUCK JUST FUCKING OPEN IT!!!!!" I ended up screaming to myself out of my mind as I slammed the door open to see a sight to shatter my heart in all its entirety.

A debt is a debt was scrawled on the wall, along with a picture of Katrina smiling in all her eternal beauty.

The sun shining on her at the time blond hair, just behind her making her seem to glow like the goddess she was. Her smile seemed to radiate a million suns, she always knew that back then she could make me do anything by just asking and a smile. Her eyes, I never have and never will see eyes as beautiful and amazing as hers, eyes I would spend all the time looking in, eyes where each time she would blink I could feel just the tiniest bit sad knowing that for a fourth of a second. I smiled sadly looking at the picture, a tear rolling down my cheek, then a second, a third, before finally breaking down crying hard. My breath coming in deep but short, ragged breaths, my eyes burning from all the tears while I crawled up to her picture. My hands grabbed something before jerking pulling it close to me. I was about to toss it when I saw what it was and my heart for a tenth of a second stopped along with my tears before holding it close to me.

It was the shirt that Katrina wore the night I found her dead, unwashed the blood stains still in it. The cops slipped it to me with a sympathetic look after they closed the case unsolved. It still smelled of her, holding up to my nose to smell it, my tears falling into it. I grabbed her picture and crawled into my bed holding them crying and screaming to the high heavens.

I reached for the phone punching in some numbers, finally getting the right numbers after a few tries. "Hello this is 911 what is your emergency?" Asked the operator. "M-m-my name is
J-J-J-James Wil-Wils-Wilson" I cried into the phone "I wou-would like to report a fif-fifty one f-fi-fifty.". The operator paused for a second before speaking "oh my god...ok James just stay calm ok? Stay calm and tell me who is going to do it? Where are you and them? Are they dead yet or not?" I gasped for breath, closing my eyes taking deep breaths "I live in 8467 Oakford Rd." I took a deep breath "They aren't dead yet but...they are going to be soon, I don't think I can stop the urges this person has anymore.".

She took a deep breath "O-ok James but..who is it?" "It's me" I replied hanging up the phone before slowly walking to the kitchen, grabbing my biggest kitchen knife. I stared at the blade, it shined with a promise of pain yet release, death but freedom from a life without Katrina as it gleamed from the kitchen light along the blade.

I slowly grasped the blade and in one quick motion jammed it into my stomach whispering "I'm sorry Katrina, see you soon". I doubled over in pain, grasping the counter in a feeble attempt to stay up but my hand had no strength for it and I fell on the floor, gasping in pain as blood seeped out of my body onto the tile. My eyes grew wide in pain before blacking out slowly as the door was kicked open, paramedics rushing in.

I woke up later to crying and sobbing, my eyes blinded as I opened them to a blinding light.

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