13| Its Gettin Hot in Here

Start from the beginning

"Why did you just take that off" I ask, now standing less than a foot away from him.

"It was soaking wet thanks to you!" He says nudging me on the shoulder lightly. He looks me up and down.
"And now I think it's payback time." He says with a smirk. He then grabs the water bucket from the table behind me and dumps it over my head, completely soaking me in it. It drips all the way down to my feet, and I'm instantly freezing. I look up at him with the biggest glare on my face.

"What the HELL was that for?!" I say as I stomp away from him and walk over to the cabinet, taking out towels to dry myself off, but before I can reach it he puts his arms around my waist and spins me around to face him.

He grabs a strand of my hair and twirls it between his fingers, keeping his other hand around my waist.

"You mess with me, I mess with you" he says with a smirk. I scowl at him and try to turn away, and as my feet start to turn, they slip on the water covered floor, forcing my body right onto his, now pressed against the side of the table. My hands push his chest creating a small space between us. His eyes widen. "What's wrong golden girl, are you a little nervous? You get a little clumsy when you're nervous." Embarrassed, I start to turn away and roll my eyes at him, but he doesn't let me escape his hands, still around my waist.

"Nate- you can't keep..." I start

"Can't keep what?" He says smirking.

"Can't keep being rude... Putting me into these situations...making me feel..." I say, mumbling the last part.

"Making you feel what?" He says, inching his face closer to mine, if that's even possible. I'm completely lost in his eyes, I forget whatever it was I had to say, the deep, warm, brown eyes that seem to challenge yet comfort me.

He cups my face in his hand, leaning closer.

"Savannah, don't fight it."

I can't breathe suddenly.

"Fight what" I manage to whisper out, realizing we were so close my lips had brushed against his at the words, but I don't move away.

"This." He says, closing his eyes and pressing his body closer to mine and at that exact moment-

Ms. Hallow walks in.

Before his lips could touch mine, before a huge fire could've started.


I back away from our embrace, blushing heavily with embarrassment looking over to Ms. Hallow. Nate murmurs something like 'dammit' under his breath.

"Ms. Hallow, I just-"

"It's 6:00" she interrupts me. "Detention is over. Although it looks like we'll need another one next weekend considering how poorly you two did with cleaning." Nate smirks at this, I roll my eyes.
"So get out!" She yells.

I quickly walk away and grab my bag before heading out of the room, and once I'm in the hallway, he grabs my hand from behind.

"What're you doing tonight?" He asks, me still not facing him.

"Nothing with you" I say, continuing to walk.

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