2| Oh Hell NoOoOoooo

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"Shawn where's my surfboard???" I yell running all over my house looking for my board while jamming a piece of toast in my mouth.

"How should I know." He says fixing his hair in the mirror and practicing his 'smolder'.

"You're only 15 why are you already acting like Damon?" I say with disgust.

"I HEARD THAT." My older brother Damon says strolling into the room and swiping my toast out of my hand then yanking on a strand of my hair.

"Oww! Damon!"

"Did you leave it out back?" He says as he takes a bite of my toast. We live on a beachfront property and sometimes at night I would surf out right in front of our house.

"Already looked there."

"Savannah I've taken it to Charlie's" my dad says walking in and pouring his coffee. Charlie's is the local surf shop that people donate boards to which they then break down to use as recyclable materials to build more Eco-friendly buildings.

"YOU WHAT!!??" I scream at him, my eyes wide is disbelief. Even Damon and Shawn turn around and look at him surprised.

"I got a call from your teacher last night... What was her name... Something 'Hallow'? I don't know. Anyway I know you've been cutting class and coming late to school and I'm not okay with it, so we're going to take a break from surfing for a while and focus on school."

"DAD are you KIDDING ME?? You know this is all I want to do and I have straight A's in my classes! I'm smart and I always do my homework I'm just... Not always there in person when it's assigned..."

"Sav- I know you're a smart girl but colleges aren't going to like the EXTENSIVE amounts of absences and tardies on your record!"

"But they will like my grades! And they will like me if I keep winning more competitions!"

"Sorry, no negotiating your way out of this one. Damon- drive them to school."

"I can drive myself-"

"I know you can but I need to make sure you actually go to school." He says then walks over to the door, opens it, and directs us to walk out. We all walk out the door and hop into Damon's convertible.

"Sorry Savvy I didn't think he'd be like this." Damon says.

"You knew?"

"Well I was there when he got the call. I tried to talk him out of it though and I thought I had convinced him... I guess not." He says backing out of the driveway and starting down the street.

"Well it's all your fault anyways Damon. You chose surfing as your career and look how you turned out." Shawn says typing on his phone in the backseat.

"Shawn Damon was the champion in the Vans Triple Crown of Surfing competition last year- he's only held up because of an injury... His career isn't over yet." I say snapping at him.

"Shawn's exactly right though. Dad wants you to be a doctor or lawyer of something because he doesn't want you to throw away your intelligence like I did to mine or get injured like I did. I tried to tell him and convince him to not put my mistakes on you but he's feeling pretty strongly about this."

"None of it is fair. How he's blaming you and what he's doing to me." I say as we pull up to Shawn's school.

"Bye mini-me except not as pretty as me!" Damon shouts out the window as Shawn jumps out of the car and walks into school but turns around and sticks his tongue out at us. We drive off and make our way towards my school.

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