1| Roll With It

146 11 1

"HOLY SHIT SAVVY!" I somehow make out what Zac says to me through the water rushing over my head. I quickly hop up on my board and flip my long golden brown hair out of my face. "How do you ride the wave for so long while still managing to rip it to shreds?!!"

"I'm sure you could do it Zac. You make me sound way better than I actually am." I say as I readjust my leash strap around my ankle. It had been irritating me and I was thinking about getting a new one.

"Savannah. I have known you for 15 years and you have always been 200,000 times better than me at surfing" he says looking back at me while hopping on another wave, but then proceeds to fall over, and I start cracking up. He slowly comes out of the water, first only showing his eyes and blowing bubbles underwater, something we always did as kids. I first start laughing and then mimic him in our hippo routine. Then I can't take it anymore, his face was just too funny.

"HAHA hippos 4 life." I say and yank him out by his hair.

"Owwww geez no wonder you're single..." He says with a pained look on his face.  I give a pout to his comment but can't help but smile at him, with his sandy blonde hair all in his face and his deep brown eyes sparkling in the bright sun. He's a good looking guy, but he's like a brother to me.  Wait... The sun...so bright...

"SHIT!" I say quickly jumping back on my board. "Zac what time is it?"


We both look at eachother and without another word start paddling as fast as we can into shore.


"Ah Ms. Violet how nice of you to join us." I hear before I've even made it all the way in through the door.

"Always a pleasure Mrs. Hallow." I say with a sheepish smile as I start to head to my seat when her arm extends in front of me stopping me from moving any further.

"Oh then I'm sure you'll find pleasure in this. Would you please tell the class why you are late this morning, by an hour- I might add?"

I don't even know what I would say considering   It was pretty obvious. My hair was still drenched in water and my outfit consisted of my Roxy™ surf shorts and crochet crop top over my bikini.

"Well I-" I start and Mrs. Hallow rolls her eyes, then nods and points to my seat.

"Alright class now that we've taken care of that little disruption, let's go over our Pre-Lab work that you should've completed last night. Please get with your groups." In AP Marine Biology we do a lot of labs, and luckily, mine has my best friends in it.

"SAV! You're seriously late again! I know you're really smart and do well in school but if you keep doing this that won't matter anymore!" Marissa says to me while dragging me over to our lab table.

"Yeah Savannah I mean I get why you do it but seriously every single morning?" Lola says as she sits down next to me at the table.

"It's just surfing. It's not like I'm smoking weed." I say and immediately get the death glare from Mrs. Hallow across the room.

"Well it might as well be considering how addicted you are to it." Marissa says as she walks around behind me and starts braiding my long, ocean tossed hair, probably trying to make me look more presentable around them. They're both gorgeous and are always put together. Marissa has long black semi curly hair, and grey eyes. Lola has strawberry blonde wavy hair, making her stand out from most people here since we live in Hawaii around lots of darker haired people- and not many gingers. She has green eyes and is 5'5, slightly shorter than Marissa, who's 5'6. I'm the shortest out of us though, being 5'3.5.

I shrug. "School's just not my priority."

"Savannah-" Lola starts but then

BRRRIIIIINNNGG!! The bell rings and everyone starts rushing out of the room but before I can get out I hear Mrs. Hallow yell.

"You're on very thin ice with me Ms. Violet!"

"Good to know!" I say slamming the door and walking out with Marissa and Lola. "She needs to get out more"

"Well so do you..." Marissa says as we start walking down the hallway filled with people.

"What are you talking about- I'm out all the time. With Mrs. Hallow it's different. She barely leaves the classroom to even go to the bathroom."

"Like you would know- you're NEVER EVEN THERE!" She yells back at me, but Lola calms her down. "Savvy we just think you should get out and do things with people and just stop going out surfing by yourself all the time."

"I don't go alone... I go with Zac" immediately when I say Zac Lola gets a disappointed look on her face.

"Well maybe you need to stop spending so much time with him and spend a little more time with your friends!?"

"Zac is my friend! Can we stop this and go do something else." I say as we get over to my locker. Just then I my phone beeps. I unlock it and open my surf center app. It's prime time. I quickly shove my books in my locker then look up at my friends. "Ah guys I'll meet you later for lunch... Okay?" They roll their eyes then nod in agreement then walk around the corner to the other hallway.

I then shove my books in my locker and grab my skateboard and run over to Zac's locker only to find he's not there. Normally I wouldn't let him miss this opportunity but I can't waste any time. The back exit near the science classrooms is usually best for and easy escape. I get outside and grab my surfboard from where I left it, then holding the board under my arm I skate away from the hellhole they call school. I put my headphones in and then hold up a middle finger as I make my way towards the beach.


I quickly strip off my shorts and crochet top, then add a bit more wax to my board. I then paddle out to my favorite spot, which I call secrets, a place only known to me, my secret escape.  Once I get out far enough, I stop and watch the waves for a while, waiting for the perfect one. It's a different kind of peacefulness being out in the middle of the ocean alone, something different from the feeling you get from just listening to music or the sound of a rainstorm, it's an unexpected bliss- a kind of happiness you can only find with something you truly love.

I quickly hop on a 13 foot wave and start whipping around the corners and doing spinning tricks as I swiftly glide along the wave. I'm suddenly completely enveloped in the warm, blazing sun, and the misty saltwater in my face, and I'm on top of the world- that is until I'm suddenly bumped off the wave. My body is thrown under the water and I'm tossed and turned furiously inside the barrel current under the wave. I forcefully shove my hands up and out of the water and gasp for air, quickly making my way over to my board and hop up on top of it, frantically readjusting my bikini which had almost came off in the rumble of the wave.  I then start to take out my braid as I looked around, trying to find the source of the 'bump'. It doesn't look like there's anything until I start to hear a loud resounding laugh from somewhere far off ahead of me and I notice a figure making its way towards me.

"HAHA I TOTALLY FREAKED YOU!" The figure says as he comes closer to me.

"Who the hell do you think you are!" I say starting to paddle away, but then he pulls my leash around and I'm suddenly facing him, my board right next to his.

"That's a pretty big wave for such a small girl." He says with a smirk on his face. He seems tall, is extremely muscular with dark brown hair and deep brown eyes with gold specks in them. Aaaand he has an eight pack... Hoolyy shit-wait- I'm supposed to pissed at this guy.
I try to hide my oogling at his hotness by raising an eyebrow at him.

"That's pretty big talk for a weak surfer"

He then mimics my expression but gives a surprised smile at my back talk. "Hah...Wow... What's your name miss 'Bethany Hamilton'"

"Who wants to know?" I say twirling my hair around then looking him up and down with a glare on my face.

"I'm Nate." He looks me over up and down slowly then a huge smirk forms on his face. "I have a feeling we're gonna be really good friends."

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