I Alec's P.O.V

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Unbelievable! I find myself utterly astounded as I witness my own community deciding to exile Elena simply because she is of mixed faerie heritage. Why is it that they consistently succumb to fear-driven decisions without taking a moment for rational thought? Magnus was right; the alliance with Sebastian was fueled by resentment among the faeries, yet The Clave seems oblivious to this reality. Perhaps they are aware but choose to turn a blind eye, trapped in the clutches of guilt that renders them incapable of admitting their own mistakes.

A sense of sorrow engulfs me as I scan the faces around me, observing many individuals attempting to voice their dissent and alter the predetermined decision. Yet, despite their efforts, none succeeded. My gaze shifts toward Aline's mother, and my heart throbs with empathy as I sense the anguish she experiences for her daughter. However, what truly prompts me to question my own silence is the contemplative look in my father's eyes. To an unfamiliar observer, there might be no apparent change, but I, being intimately acquainted with him, detect the doubt lingering in his gaze.

Do I desire to become like him? Inflicting pain upon others, much like he inflicted upon me, all because of the fear of societal judgment? The irony is not lost on me; I am already labeled a 'freak' due to my sexuality. Perhaps it's time to fan the flames a bit more.

"Enough!" I declared, rising from my seat, and commanding the attention of the assembly in the Clave's Accord Hall.

A mixture of surprise, intrigue, and disgust painted the expressions of those around me. It was heartening to note that a significant portion of the Shadow World population had moved past their prejudice against my sexual orientation, even if the main reason was my role in vanquishing Meliorn, the formidable right hand of the deceased Faerie Queen.

"Can we cease this pretense of anger directed at them?" I demanded, gesturing towards the new Faerie Queen. Her indifferent facade momentarily cracked, revealing a flicker of shock before she swiftly regained her composure. "If anyone genuinely believes they should all be punished, I must express my shame in them and the desire to never see their faces again—ever," I asserted, my voice resonating with an unexpected resolve within the hallowed halls of the Clave.

Ensuring no interruptions, I continued my impassioned plea. "Not all faeries were complicit in this war. There are innocent children and half-breeds who were oblivious to the conflict. Moreover, history has shown us that punishing entire nations, religions, or species is rarely the optimal solution. Take, for instance, one of the Mundane world's significant crises—the aftermath of Germany in the First World War."

A ripple of reactions spread through the crowd, even Magnus flinching, likely having witnessed that war firsthand. The thought occurred to me—how old is Magnus, and why does he keep certain things from me? Shaking off the distraction, I resumed my address. "Punishing Germany out of jealousy, anger, and fear led to disastrous consequences. They rose again with double the strength, fueled by resentment. Must we forget the lessons of history? Countless lives were lost, atrocities committed. Now, you might be thinking, 'What does that have to do with us? We're beyond mundanes, more powerful,'" I mocked, drawing chuckles from the crowd, particularly the bravest ones in our midst. "If we could cast aside our prejudices and truly see mundanes for who they are, we might glean valuable lessons. Moreover, I speak directly to Shadowhunters – have we forgotten our true purpose? It isn't merely about killing demons."

Amid the impending protests, including some from my own siblings, I raised my hand and asserted, "Our job is to eliminate them, but our purpose is to protect those who cannot protect themselves." Meeting my father's proud and surprised gaze, I drew strength to forge ahead. "Returning to the issue at hand, punishing all faeries would not only spark a Second Black War but also render us hypocrites. Werewolves, do we need to revisit the massacres before the Praetor Lupus? Vampires let's not forget the dark chapters where you treated mundanes like animals. Warlocks and witches..." My gaze rested on Magnus, accompanied by a small, apologetic smile.

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