The Horsemen's Reins

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Today I was doing the Horsemen's dungeon to get the mount.... And wanna know what dropped? The mount! Not for me of course... But for someone who had already had it. WHAT THE FREAK. This happened last year for me. And now this year... Why can't it just drop for me? This is like the mount I WANT AND NEED besides Invincible... This mount is like the WoW version of Sombra........ *bangs head on sketchbook* this is so retarded. I can't believe I saw TWO PEOPLE get the mount for TWO YEARS. In a row.... Also I'm not going to get to watch the new Gravity Falls tonight because I don't have cable...

The Media is the mount I'll never get but everyone else will.


My Drawings 2 (OLD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz