When He Proposes to You

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You weren't expecting him to take you out on a date the night you got home, but perhaps you shouldn't have been surprised.
He hadn't taken you out to a fancy restaurant, just to Mirokami's and now for a walk around Central Park (because he knew you loved to look at the stars from the tops of the trees), right when the sun was setting. The air had a pinkish tinge to it, and the fireflies were starting to come out-but all you noticed was that Leo was looking especially handsome, and also rather nervous.
As you strolled around hand in hand, you tugged Leo over to a rock to sit down and watch the sun finish setting. It was a spectacular sunset tonight, the sky lit up in shades of pinks, oranges, deep reds, and splashes of purples. Only once it was over, and the night sky was on display, did you tilt your head up to look at the stars.
"Aren't they beautiful, Leo?" You asked with a sigh.
"They're nothing compared to you." Leo said softly, and you glanced over to see a smile on his face.
"But look! You can see the Big Dipper...there! And there's Orion, and Sirius, and Hercules...there's the Little Dipper too!" You said happily, pointing them out to Leo, just in case he had forgotten.
"And here's Y/n, shining just as brightly as the North Star, and I can touch her!" Leo said, poking you in the side. You giggled, and Leo pulled you close to him, pressing his mouth to the top of your head.
"Leo? I'm so glad I'm home, with you. I don't know what I would do without you, beside me." You said, and that's when Leo pulled away.
"Leo?" You asked, a little worried. He stared at you, and with a heavy sigh, got up and started pacing.
"Leo, you're scaring me." You said nervously.
Leo turned around. Stopped pacing. And knelt. You stopped breathing.
"Y/n L/n...where do I start with you? When I first met you, I liked you already. You're funny, smart, kind, and best of all, you like Space Heroes too. When you left for college, it took me awhile to learn how to live without you again. It was like part of me was missing-and it was. You were missing, Y/n. And I don't know what I would do without you either."
You pressed a hand to your mouth, shaking from nerves, from joy, from tears.
"Y/n, it would be my dream come true if you would marry me." Leo said, pulling out a small black box. "So will you?"
"Yes!" You choked out, tears running down your face as your threw yourself at Leo. "Yes, yes! A thousand times yes!"
Leo kissed you then, and you kissed him back, tears still falling, and Leo wiped them away under the bright stars.
And when he slid the ring onto your finger, you burst into tears again. It was a silver band, complete with two small diamonds, and a small sapphire.
"Get it?" Leo asked. "It's those three stars you always talk about. Me, you, and the star that's far away."
You couldn't help but kiss him again, under the light from the stars, and knew that you couldn't live your life without anyone else.

You wouldn't have expected anything less from him than to take you out the night you came back, but that didn't mean you weren't surprised.
He took you out to a fancy restaurant in the city, and then to one of the less populated bridges a few blocks away, carrying your heels for you since your feet hurt.
"What are we doing here?" You asked, a little surprised simply because Raph wasn't one to take romantic moonlit strolls (but you liked them just fine).
"Oh, um, I had an idea...while you were gone, that I thought might be really fun for us." He said nervously, scratching the back of his head.
"Really?" You asked curiously. "What is it?"
He pulled two sharpies out of his pocket, which was odd enough for Raph, and then a plain golden lock. You were at a loss for words; Raph was being more romantic just on this date than he had been in your entire relationship. Maybe he had matured more than you thought over the years you had been gone.
"So, you see," Raph said, handing you a sharpie. "I'll write my initials on it, and then you write yours on it, alright? And then we'll pin it to the bridge."
He scribbled his initials on it (R.H.) in rather neat handwriting, and then handed it to you sheepishly.
With a raised eyebrow, you wrote your initials on the lock too, drawing a heart around them.
"Will you pin it to the bridge for me?" Raph asked, his voice a little husky.
You did as he said, pinning it right next to one of the bridge supports, and locked it (the key was already in the lock). You turned around to face Raph with the key on your hand, and your jaw dropped.
Raph was kneeling. In front of you.
"Y/n L/n," Raph began, and you started crying. "We've been together for a long time now, and you're the best person I've ever met. You're strong, you kick butt, you put up with me, and you have a good heart. And when you left for college, this little part of me shriveled up because I was scared I was going to lose you. But I didn't and I'm so, so happy that I didn't."
You were openly crying now, and you could see that Raph was tearing up as well.
"Y/n, will you marry me?"
"Yes!" You practically screamed, flinging yourself at Raph, who caught you. He buried his face in the side of your neck, and you could feel his face was wet before he tipped your chin down to kiss you soundly.
And Raph grabbed the key out of your hand, and threw it over the side of the bridge. He paused, drawing back, and slid the ring on your finger. It was a titanium band, complete with a circular diamond in the middle, which was surrounded by little rubies.
"I love you!" You cried, tears still running down your face, and Raph whispered it back, kissing you again.

You were mostly surprised that Donnie set aside his inventions for an entire day, and even more so when he took you on a date the night you can back.
He took you out to the science museum, to show you everything that had been added while you had been gone, especially the new history exhibit that talked about some of the first human civilizations.
Afterwards he took you out simply for a walk down some of the more empty streets on your way back to the manhole.
Your head was running wild, and thoughts about you and Donnie, and the future were bouncing around your brain. He seemed at ease, simply walking and holding your hand, but you felt more like a dying duck.
"I love you!" You suddenly blurted out. Donnie stopped, a little startled. "I love you too, Y/n." He said.
"It's just, I haven't told you in a while, because I've been at college, and I wanted to make sure you knew." You continued.
"You're so perfect Donnie, I love that you're smart, and funny, and kind, caring. And I just don't think I could live with anyone else Donnie, you're really the one for me, I love you so freaking much...and I-will you marry me?" The words popped out of your mouth without thought of not having a ring, and all you could see was the shock on Donnie's face and how his hand drifted towards his pocket, and then his mouth was opening.
"No." Your head snapped up, and you looked at Donnie with tears in your eyes.
"No? Why on earth not?" You cried, choking back a sob.
"Because doesn't the guy normally ask the girl?" He asked with a small smile.
"Y/n L/n," Donnie started, kneeling on the ground. "Even though you tried to propose to me first, which I'm still kinda mad about, you are my everything. Your smile, your laugh, the way your forehead crinkles when you have to do English papers. You're what keeps me going, you're my proverbial sun to my moon. And I know that I love you Y/n, more than I have anything or anyone else. So will you marry me?"
"Yes, you git, of course I will!" You said, throwing your arms around Donnie and kissing him hard.
He pulled back slightly, but only to slide the ring on your finger. It was chocolate gold, little amethysts and and diamond decorating a heart shaped emerald.
"Just do me a small favor?" Donnie asked, touching his forehead to yours.
"What?" You asked.
"Don't mention you asking me to my brothers, alright?" Donnie snickered, pulling you even closer to him and kissing you again.
"I wouldn't dream of it."

It wasn't the fact that Mikey took you out on a date the night you got home, but rather that he took you on a date to someplace that wasn't an arcade or skating park.
Instead he took you out to Mirokami's and then out to see a movie, complete with popcorn and two boxes of candy. It was rather strange to not be showing off a new trick or beating the crap out of Mikey on Pac-Man.
Now that the movie was over, Mikey had helped you climb up on the rooftops overlooking Central Park, so that you could see people playing in the river. It was peaceful tonight, the sun hadn't set yet, but the sky still awash in blues and pinks and scattered oranges.
"I'm so happy that you're home Y/n." Mikey sighed, as you leaned your head on his shoulder.
"Me too, Mikestar. I was lonely without you by my side. I don't even know if I can beat you at Pac-Man anymore." You admitted, and Mikey let out a fake gasp.
"Surely not! Why Madame, this is a true tragedy!" You giggled, and shoved him lightly. Only now did you see the crease in Mikey's forehead, or the way he was sitting: nervously.
"Are you alright? You seem a little nervous." You asked gently.
"What? Who, me? Oh, I'm absolutely spiffing." Mikey said breezily.
"Absolutely spiffing huh?"
"Y/n, there's something important I have to tell you." Mikey blurted out, facing you. Then he mumbled something to himself.
"Y/n L/n," Mikey said, and your breath caught in your throat. "I've loved you for a very long time, almost from the first time I met you. I love that you love to board, to to prank and play games, the way you smile at everything, and how happy you are. Honestly, I couldn't live a life without you in it." Mikey said, raising to one knee and pulling out a small black box.
"Y/n, will you do me the honors of letting me call you wife?" You couldn't help but stare at him for a second, tears trickling down your face.
"Yes, of course!" You shouted, and Mikey pulled you into a bone-crushing kiss. You knew your shoulders were shaking, but it was because you were crying happy tears, and Mikey knew that.
"Mikey, I would be honored to call you husband." You said weakly, tears still falling.
Mikey took the ring out and slid it on your finger, and you immediately loved it. It was a golden band, with a pink diamond in the middle, surrounded by small sapphires. It was breathtaking, at least to you.
"I love you so much." Mikey murmured into your hair, before drawing you into another kiss.

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