When He Sees You in the Shower

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You had just gotten back from a detention (shocking, but you had been framed), sticky with sweat from having to mow the entire front lawn of the school. What you needed right now was a nice ice cold shower, and about 3 bottles of conditioner.
You quickly turned the shower on, and stripped off all of your clothes, jumping in the icy rainfall. It felt like heaven to your body, and you might have let out a small moan of delight. You also began to sing.
A couple minutes later, you were lathering soap into your hair, not knowing that Leo had texted you saying he would be over in 5 minutes.
5 minutes later, you were washing your body, and then rinsing off. You stepped out of the shower, and wrapped your fluffy white towel around you, slowly drying off. Then you wrapped it around you again, securing it loosely, and stepped out to grab clean clothes. Instead, you got the surprise of your life: Leo sitting on your bed.
"Leo! What are you doing here?!" You shrieked, catching your towel tightly to you. Right now it was the only thing covering you, and it wasn't exactly the longest towel. It barely covered your butt, and rested at the top of your chest. Leo leapt up and turned around.
"Y/n, I'm sorry, I thought you got my text!" Leo cried.
"Obviously not." You muttered, grabbing a fresh pair of clothes and ducking back into the bathroom, securely locking the door.
"Y/n, is this a thong?" You heard Leo ask.
"What? No, LEAVE MY STUFF ALONE!" You shouted, highly embarrassed. It was your bff's thong, not yours.
Or was it?

You were all sweaty and gross from working out at the gym, and so an ice cold shower sounded like heaven.
When you got home, you immediately turned the shower off, stripped, and got into the shower. The cold water felt amazing on your skin, and you knew you were probably going to take a half hour shower.
After you had finished your twenty minute shower, you hopped out, and wrapped your towel around you, throwing the door open, to get some air circulating. Just as you were loosening your towel so you could get dressed, Raph came on through you window.
"Raph!" You shrieked, hiking the towel back so you were mostly modest-if you counted being naked underneath.
"Sorry, I'm sorry!" He said, turning around, cheeks bright red.
"What are you doing here?" You asked, flustered.
"I came to check on you, and I didn't know you were taking a shower." Raph answered.
"And you didn't think about knocking, or texting me?" You asked, irritated.
"I didn't know!" He exclaimed, flapping his arms.
"You could've knocked." You said, shutting the bathroom door behind you to get dressed.
"Y/n, you wear days of the week underwear?" You heard Raph snort.
"Get out of my drawers!" You shouted.

You had been checking the Shell-Razer for leaks, as it had been trailing oil for the past week and a half. Donnie, meanwhile, was working on fixing the AC, which had conveniently gone out when you crawled under the battlecar.
After finally locating the leak (it was coming from the area by the back left tire), and getting about a gallon of oil on your shirt, you crawled back out. You were hot, dirty, and in desperate need of a ice cold shower.
"Donnie, I'm taking a shower!" You called over to him, but you don't think he heard.
With a load groan as the water hit your now bare skin, you just stood still for a few minutes. Then you washed your body with Donnie's soap, because you forgot yours. It smelled heavenly, but at this point, anything smelled heavenly.
There was a bucket of fresh green fluffy towels, which you gladly took one and wrapped yourself in it. You let the towel soak up the water on your skin as you finger combed through your hair.
"Y/n!" Donnie yelped, closing his eyes.
"Donnie! What are you doing in here?" You asked nervously, clutching your towel tightly to yourself.
"I came in to pee. When did you decide to take a shower?" He asked, his eyes still tightly closed.
"About twenty minutes ago. Now, no offense or anything, but can you get out so I can dry off?" You asked.
"Wha-yeah, I got you." Donnie said, slipping out the door quickly and shutting it behind him. You quickly got dressed, and as you were pulling on your shorts, Donnie spoke.
"Y/n? I thought we were past the age of bows on underwear." Donnie said through the door.
"You know what Donnie, at least I wear underwear!" You shouted back.

After completing the new three mile long skateboarding that had been completed not 5 minutes from the lair, you needed a cold shower. Bad. Your shirt and most of your shorts were soaked, and you hair was dripping with sweat. But it had been one of the best times of your life.
You jogged into the shower, skateboard under your arm, and headed for the shower.
"I'm taking a shower!" You bellowed into the strangely quiet lair. Nobody answered you back.
Still wanting that shower, you quickly turned it on, stripping, and jumping in happily. You were jamming out to the tunes on your phone, singing at the top of your lungs, and busting dance moves in between washing and rinsing your hair and body.
When you got out, there was a bucket of fluffy green towels sitting next to the shower, and you gladly took one. You wrapped it around you firmly, and continued dancing around the bathroom.
"Y/n, are you in-ah!" Mikey shouted, turning around.
"Mikey! What are you doing in here?" You asked, clutching the towel tight.
"Same thing you just did. I want to take a shower." He answered, still turned around.
"Well, give me a minute, and then you can." You said, shooing him out of the door.
Quickly drying off, you pulled on your underwear and shorts, and then did the usual struggle to clip your bra shut.
"Y/n, why does your underwear have my name on it?" Mikey asked through the door.
"It doesn't have your name on it!" You snapped.
"Yes, it does. It says Mike right in the middle of it, and it's green." Mikey argued back.
"It's vintage Monsters Inc. underwear Mikey. The green alien, Mike Wasoki? And why were you looking at my underwear?" You asked, flustered.

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