When You Come Back

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When you got off the plane, Leo was standing there with balloons and a sign that said "Welcome Home Y/n!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)"
You couldn't help but snort to yourself when you saw all of the smiley faces and exclamation points- even four years later, Leo was still a goob. But he was your goob.
You quickly grabbed your luggage from the moving luggage rack, and made your way over to Leo, who couldn't quite see you just yet.
"Y/n!" Leo hollered, waving you over with a huge smile on his face.
"Leo!" You shrieked, throwing your arms around him. He spun you around in a circle, and then kissed you gently.
"I'm so glad you're home." He said softly, pressing his forehead to yours.
"Me too." You grinned.

Raph was the only person you were looking for when you stepped off the plane, and you found him rather quickly. Almost too quickly, but that didn't have anything to do with memorizing the pictures you had of him. Absolutely nothing.
"Y/n!" Raph practically screamed, waving his arms at you with a huge grin on his face.
You snorted, grabbing your luggage very quickly, and ran over to him.
Raph gripped you in a bone-crushing hug, and kissed you hard, leaving you breathless.
"I'm so glad I'm home." You said, kissing him again.
"Me too." Raph said, taking your luggage from you with another kiss. "Me too."

When you got off the plane, you weren't surprised to see that Donnie was waiting for you with your luggage. Alright, maybe you were a little surprised that he had your luggage.
"Over here, Y/n!" Donnie hollered, waving his arms. You knew you had the biggest lovesick grin on your face, but you couldn't stop it.
You practically ran over to him, and gave him an enormous hug, and you had to admit that there were a few tears.
"Y/n," Donnie said, kissing you. "I'm so happy that you're finally home."
"Me too." You choked out, kissing Donnie again.

When the plane landed, you immediately went over to grab your luggage. You couldn't have a repeat of two years ago...you lost your best pair of jeans! Once you had it, you started looking for Mikey.
He wasn't hard to miss, holding what looked like half of the balloon store, and wearing a huge smile.
"Y/n!" He shrieked, waving you over and dancing around.
"Mikey!" You hollered back, attracting many amused stares as you ran over to him.
Mikey picked you up and hugged you hard, only putting you down when he had kissed every part of your face.
"I'm so glad you're home." Mikey whispered, kissing you again.
"Me too." You breathed, kissing him back.

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