When He Gets You Back (Leo)

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Leo's POV
I had been leaving y/n little things in her room ever night for the past week.
Monday had been chocolate, Tuesday had been sweet tarts, Wednesday had been some more of y/n's favorite perfume, Thursday had been brownies (which I had struggled with before asking for help from Mikey), and today had been a card letting y/n know who had been leaving her stuff and my name signed at the bottom.
Watching her walk home from school everyday had been a nightmare. Everyday she wore sweats, a really big black sweatshirt, and black Converse. She didn't talk to anybody at school, and she barely ate or did homework.
Today was the day that I met her face-to-face for the first time in four weeks, and I was extremely nervous.
From the fire escape, and using my ninja skills, I watched as she entered her room, and went straight for the card lying on her bed. She read it silently, her brow furrowed in concentration. Then she slammed it down on her desk, and stalked over to the window, and threw it open, while I scrambled backwards.
"Leo! You little SOB,get in here now! I know you're out there!" She screamed. I came out from my hiding spot meekly, head bowed, and climbed in through her window. Y/n backed up in surprise.
"L-Leo?" Her voice cracked.
"Yes, y/n?" I asked quietly, lifting my head in hope. Then she flew at me, fists swinging, and various curses flying from her mouth.
"H-how could you come back to me? Do you know what you did to me?" She screamed, tears trickling down her face. I caught her wrists gently in my hands, to stop her.
"Do you know what I did to me? I destroyed myself y/n, and I destroyed you." I said, my voice thick with tears.
"You said you loved me." Y/n whispered.
"And I do, y/n, even though it doesn't seem like it. Y-you see, I was scared that you were going to leave me and break my heart. It's happened before, and I thought you were just using me." I burst out, letting her go so I could turn around.
A few seconds later, I felt her small hand on my shell.
"Leo, I would never use you like that. I said I loved you too, remember?" She said softly.
"I remember y/n, but I wasn't thinking when I broke up with you. And then when I saw how broken you were, I knew that you truly loved me. And so I came back to make up with you." I said, voice filled with anguish.
"Leo, I accept your apology, and I would love to be your girlfriend again." Y/n said, and I turned to her hopefully.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yes. But don't think that everything's going to be fine and dandy again. We're going to have to start over, because I still don't have a lot of trust." Y/n said, hugging me.
I hugged her back, her words racing through my mind. But there was one thing that I just had to say.
"I love you, y/n." I whispered.
"And I you Leo." She whispered back.

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