Cara knocked on the window even harder. She could barely balance her body weight on the ladder. She knocked harder. "Kendall!" She yelled through the rain. Kendall decided to use this chance to tell Cara how pathetic she really was. She wanted to spit that venoum inside her body. She wanted to let cara know how much of a coward and how low she was.

She opened her window frame and froze. Cara was standing on a long ladder. "Thanks." Cara extended her hand so Kendall could help her get in. She held on to Kendall's hand and pushed her body inside Kendall's room. She would try the door but kylie wouldn't ever let her in through.

"Thanks!" Cara's clothes were all wet. Her hair was even worse. "You have no idea how much..." Cara started but Kendall cut her off. "Just shut up already!" Kendall told. Her face now wet with tears. Cara put her fingers up to wipe them but Kendall's hand slapped hers away. She gulped. "Please Kendall! Let me tell you what really was going on!" She begged. "How dare you even ask me that? Hmm?" "All I'm asking is a minute Kendall!" Cara snapped back. "Wow! Really! Wow! Is this it? Hmm? You are the one who betrayed my trust Cara!" "I never betrayed anything of yours!" "Cara I saw it!" "Just listen for a second!" Kendall's rage was building.

She threw her hands up in the air and put them in front of her body. "You have 60 seconds." She informed Cara. Cara seemed to have lost the ability to speak. "I... Kendall... I..." "50 seconds." Kendall let her know as she looked at her watch.

Cara sighed and out her hand on Kendall's watch. Before she had the opportunity to push her hand away, she grabbed Kendall's other hand as well. Holding her in place. "Look at me." Kendall glanced at her jaw. "Look into my eyes." "Just talk Cara." "Look into my eyes." Cara half begged her. Kendall's heart started beating faster when she saw Cara and now, it was going to beat out of her chest.

She lifted her face and glanced at the amazing shade of blue she could never get enough of. "I would never cheat on you." Cara put her forefinger on Kendall's lips to stop her from talking. "Miley and I have been friends for over 3 years now. She needed a favor and I couldn't let you know about it." Kendall's face had a look of confusion on her face. "What favor?" "I can't tell you." "Huh!" Kendall snapped sarcastically.

"You honestly expect me to believe this shit?" Cara sighed. "You know I love you. I never loved before and this was a little scary at first Kendall." "That doesn't answer my question." She dryly replied. "Kendall you don't get it. She's my best friend. I would never ever cheat on you. Because I could never forgive myself ever!"

"You promised me you wouldn't see her without telling me!" "I didn't know! I was going to surprise kids there after I was done on the set and she showed up just because that Stella girl was there." "WHAT?!" Kendall yelled.

"What?" "Speak Cara! What does it have to do with Stella?" Cara sighed. "Miley's going to kill me." She whispered to herself. "Miley and I were talking about ways she could get Stella to date her because apparently she's very much into her." Cara explained. "Why didn't you tell me this?" Kendall gasped.

"Because..." "Cara! Miley could tear her down she's definitely not a healthy relationship material." Kendall walked back and forth. "Kendall! This!" Cara pointed at her. "Is why." She sighed. Kendall walked closer to her. "What do you mean?" "Look... Miley.. She.. I.. I feel like I have been her." "What do you mean?" "I never believed in love. no one ever thought I'd ever stop partying or settle down. Remember when we got together everyone was against us?" She walked closer to Kendall.

"You walked into my life and completely changed me all over. You make me better. You make me feel so complete and happy and honestly when they used to hang out... I had never seen miley happier. I wanted her to have a chance like me." She concluded. "Because honestly I don't even want to imagine my life without you in it." Kendall closed her eyes. "You're my everything. The best part of my life. You've become a part of me Kendall." Cara hugged her. "My most glamorous part ever." Kendall surprisingly held her back.

"I love you." Cara smiled after she pulled back. Kendall basically crashed her lips upon her girlfriends' and pushed her back, causing her to fall on bed.


Thank you for everything guys! I have no idea how this chapter was. I just had this idea and decided to make it like this. And I couldn't come up with a name for it so... If you have any suggestions tell me!

Do you want more drama or is this enough?

Thank you for your votes and comments! I love you all!

Cake Recipe! ( Cara and Kendall ) Lesbian storiesWhere stories live. Discover now