Chapter Nineteen

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3rd September 1835

Angelica looked on as the party began to get going properly. You usually had to wait about fifteen minutes to about twenty minutes before the guests began making conversation and dancing, usually due to their drinking. The food would all be out and all the guests would have arrived. The musicians had tuned up and the few servants used at waiters were prepared and serving drinks. Angelica could see Azure in the middle, chatting to Jonathan - God bless his soul - who was making sure she understood everything and was trying to make her blend in. Endless chatter also made sure not too many unwanted visitors would arrive. Obviously one or two popped their head in and seemed satisfied.

Angelica knew Azure was beautiful. Angelica had sent he girl grow day by day. But she never knew quite how beautiful her little girl was until today.

And Azure was dazzling.

As tonight had been requested of formal gowns, Azure had on a simple blue dress. It was a halter neck in a pastel pale blue  with a chiffon overlay so it fell to the floor elegantly, soft folds in the material glittering slightly under the light. Her arms were not too exposed as a "less is MORE" royal blue silk shawl draped around her shoulders and rested over her elbow. Azure's blonde hair had been piled up into a loose undo, a few strands curling around her now adult face. A crystal necklace rested upon her dress, with one sapphire encrusted into the very tip of the V-shaped web.

Azure really had grown up.

Azure had a long, slender neck and delicate shoulders. She was mostly thin with light curves. She was extraordinarily light framed but her posture made the most of it. Her hair had slightly yellowed, so her hair was no longer completely white, but close enough. Azure's skin was pale and smooth. She had offered a spot or two in her adolescent years, but Azure was at the end of that. Her cheekbones were not sharp but rounded, set just blow her eyes. The cheeks had hollowed out a bit but she had such dimples when she smiled. Her nose was slender and straight. Her mouth seemed almost too big for her face, yet fitted perfectly. The lips were plump and tinged pink. Slightly thick, arched brows set above her eyes.

Azure's eyes...

The large blue circles that endowed her face was her most beautiful feature. Bright and glittered between thick lashes. The outside was lighter and faded into a much deeper shade of duke blue, like an ocean. The flecks were a few shades darker than what colour surrounded them. The teeth were keep not a dazzling white but a more comfortable white-grey of natural teeth. Some people here rubbed baking soda into their teeth to have bright white, but Azure's naturals stove out among all.

Angelica felt herself bloom with pride.

Sir Douglas Michaels was not a huge follower of tradition, so instead of just one ballroom dance at the end, there were a great many of them every half hour or so. It worked better that way, even if everyone didn't join in it certainly helped make acquaintances (one of his main reasons) and loosened any tense atmosphere that might have befallen them.

Azure was asked to dance every time.

Angelica was protective of her daughter. And when she though a man's hands were slipping just a little too much, Angelica would be there to whisk her daughter away. Angelica and Azure had practiced a basic waltz in the attic in pretend parties, which helped, but there were a few trodden toes and missed moves. Nevertheless, most of the men were happy with the dances they got. The few that weren't excused themselves politely and asked a less dangerous girl to take their hands.

Azure never took offence.

Angelica let herself relax. Jonathan danced with Azure the first time after speaking to her, then handed her to some one else. Angelica thought that maybe her step son was right. Maybe all of this social interaction was indeed a positive thing.

Azure still had enormous leap after enormous leap to overcome before she could pass for "normal", but the more Azure spoke the more it was clear how much this was helping. Her hesitation was improving making her speech flow a little more smoothly, and she was starting to refer to feelings without making such exaggerated faces to emphasis her point. Instead of a large, bared teeth, manic smile when she smiled, she gave a much calmer, lose grin. Her jaw was probably tired form the amount she was talking to everyone. Azure never got to speak to anyone except maybe once or twice a week (even that was difficult to keep up), so even the girl who had longed for this type of exposure was feeling a little overwhelmed.

Angelica walked over to Azure with a feeling of triumph. Azure was out of the attic, and no one suspected a single thing!

"Good evening, Azure! How are you?" Angelica beamed pleasantly.

"I'm fine Mu-"

Angelica shook her head, giving Azure a "look".

"...Angelica. I'm happy!" Azure gave a small smile. She was clearly exhausted by now.

"Are you tired?" Angelica discreetly mimed sleeping.

"Yes," Azure nodded.

"I can take you away if you like, so you can rest."

"No, I like this. It's blue."

"Okay." Angelica didn't want to start fussing.

She saw Azure looking just a little over Angelica's shoulder, and Angelica turned her head and smiled inwardly.

Well, Angelica thought. Girls will always be girls.

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