Chapter 22. Battle part 1

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Stoick's POV.
People were yelling and screaming. Children were crying or hiding. Gobber was bashing my door down. Wait, what?! I jumped out of bed and opened the door. Gobber was wide awake with a terrified look in his eyes.
"What is it Gobber? Why is everyone panicking?" I asked quickly as I grabbed my yak fur cape. And hurried outside.
"Something you ain't gonna like. That's for sure." Gobber sighed and handed me a spyglass. I put it to my eye and scanned the vast sea. My eye stopped on a huge vessel with dragon heads stuck on the side of it. About thirty smaller ships were following. But that's not what worried me. What worried me was two things. One, the oncoming armada was a definite defeat. And two, I knew the symbol on that sail from anywhere.
"Blow the horn three times! Gobber, take the elderly ones and the children to the cove for safety."
"On it!" He replied. The reason I was in such a disposition was because Drago Bloodvist was heading in this direction.
Hiccup's POV.
We rested the dragons on an island that was close to Berk before taking off again. We were all nervous, I had to admit that. Toothless was even looking around nervously as if Drago would appear out of nowhere. It was a cold day. But the sun was shining its usual brightness. Or was it brighter? Who could tell?
"Berk in view." Toothless's ears pricked forward as he told me. I looked ahead and saw, to my dismay, smoke already rising to the sky above.
"Whatever happens in the next few hours. Do your best!!" I yelled.
"Yeah!" Yells of agreement came back. As we got closer to Berk, to the point that I could see the individual Vikings fighting, I raised my fire sword to the air and swung it around and then stopped it so it was pointing towards the ground. Vikings on dragons shot past me and fired at Drago's men and his dragons. Some landed on the ground and fought there. Astrid and I on Stormfly and Toothless flew up into the air and fought there. It was a hard battle, especially that Stoick obviously didn't realise that we were in his side.
"Astrid! I'm going down on the ground!"
"Ok!" She replied as Stormfly dodged another Nadders spikes.

"Okay bud. Let's tell Stoick who's side we are really on." I said quietly as I leaned down on him. Toothless swooped down low to the ground and blasted about a meter away from Stoick. He then landed and I jumped off.
"Hiccup?" Stoick asked.
"Yes. It's me. I'm here to tell you that I'm on your side. For now. Only to get rid of Drago as he is a threat to my island." I replied plainly. I certainly didn't want to give him the idea that we were friends. Stoick still kills dragons!
"Thank you." He replied. That shocked me. Did my dad just say thank you? I didn't have time to find out because Drago himself walked over.

"Well, look at this. Stoick The Tiny and the Dragon Shrimp. Who should I go for first?" Drago chuckled evilly. I sudden,y had an idea.
"Just keep on talking Drago. Because it might be your last!" I snarled back. Toothless bounded over and I jumped on him.
"I have a wonderfull feeling that your going to call over the five and Legend?" Toothless gave a gummy smile.
"You are very correct. But your calling them."

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