Chapter 13. Battle ( Part 2)

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Hiccup's POV.
"HICCUP!!!!" Astrid's terrified voice echoed in my head. I flicked Toothless's tail on auto so that he could get away if needed, and looked around for Astrid. I spotted her and Stormfly trapped in a net, and Stoick was trying to choke her.
"Quick bud, multiple blasts!" I yelled to Toothless. Toothless dived down towards Stoick and blasted three times, causing Stoick to jump back. Toothless landed and I got off and started to cut the net. But something hit me from behind.
"Arghh!" I fell to the ground clutching the back of my neck. Toothless jumped over me and growled at whoever it was that hit me.
"Hiccup! Are you okay?" Astrid ran next to me. I must've dropped the knife near her and she cut herself out. Stormfly was in a fighting stance and shot spikes whenever someone came near.
"I'm fine. Who hit me?"
"Stoick." She replied angrily. I groaned and stood up, my head hurt like hell but I had to work through it. Astrid supported me as I mounted Toothless. She then jumped onto Stormfly.
"Not so fast there Astrid! You have a lot of explaining to do!" Stoick's voice boomed to Astrid. She glanced at me and then took off. Stoick turned his attention to me.
"Who are you? And why are you attacking Berk?!" He unsheathed his sword and approached me. Toothless retracted his teeth and growled.
"You heard Astrid. My name is Hiccup. Son of Stoick The Vast, heir to the throne of Berk. But I decided that I didn't want that. So I left." I replied coolly. Stoick gasped.
"Son! Your alive!" He ran towards me but Toothless plasma blasted at his feet. Stoick stopped at looked at me. I grabbed my mask and took it off. That's when I realised that Berk wasn't attacking, instead they were staring at my face! Astrid and the gang, including Gobber, Alvin and some of his people, landed behind me. All of them had masks so that no one could see who they were.
"I have tried so many times to stop the fighting between Vikings and dragons. But none of you ever listened. I was the scrawny fishbone that no one liked, until I shot down a Night Fury. But none of you believed me until I left. Left to be a dragon rider, not a dragon killer." I didn't no why I was even bothering to tell the people including, my dad, Stoick.
"Please son. Come back to your home." Dad pleaded.
"Never! Why would I come back here? This will never be my home again."
"But son......"
"I'm not your son. And your not my father." I let those words roll around in Stoick's head for a minute.
"Cmon guys. Let's go home." I turned to see Gobber walking towards me. He placed a hand on my arm and removed his mask.
"Gobber?!" Stoick gasped.
"Hiccup is right Stoick. Any life is better than killing a dragon. I've decided to side with him and train dragons as well. It is possible, you've just got to watch and learn." Gobber finished his speech and mounted Grump. I realised that Berk should no who everyone else is.
"Guys! Show who you are." I ordered. They nodded and took their masks off. Shocked faces and gasps went around like wildfire throughout the village. But all eyes fell on Alvin.
"Alvin!" Stoick glared. I gave the nod to leave.
"Hello Stoick. Or should I say, goodbye Stoick." Alvin gave Stoick a deathly glare and then we all left Berk. I have to admit things didn't go quite according to plan. And now all of Berk new who I was and who was with me.

..........................................Time Skip...........................................

"Now that was a battle and a half!" Tuff exclaimed when we landed on Haddock Island.
"You can say that again bro! Hey Hiccup! When is the next battle?" Ruff asked. All eyes turned to me.
"Not for a while yet. Let's all get some rest and tomorrow we will talk about plans." I climbed onto Toothless's back and he took me up to our sleeping area. The minute my head hit the pillow, I was asleep.
Astrid's POV.
"Rawk!" Stormfly squawked at me through the window. How is she not tired from yesterday?
"Okay, okay, I'm coming! Just wait a second." I shouted to her as I jumped out of bed. When that net hit us yesterday it bruised me on my leg, so now I had a slight limp. I got changed and ran downstairs, grabbed a fish for Stormfly, and ran outside to the Forge. It was empty which meant that Gobber was still fast asleep. I grabbed my mask and mounted Stormfly.
"Let's go girl!"
"Yeah!" She replied. Hiccup was teaching me Dragonesse, I was becoming quite fluent. We flew away from Haddock Island and over others. It was an amazing feeling to fly, I still haven't got quite used to it yet. But as always, good things don't last.
"Smoke!" Stormfly warned me. I was lying down on her back when she said this. My head shot up and looked straight ahead. Smoke was billowing from a rocky island and making the sky black.
"Let's get a closer look." I pat Stormfly's neck and she shot forward. We landed on a cliff and walked forward.
I looked over the edge to see all sorts of dragons. Unfortunately they were under nets or in traps. Strong Vikings were watching them and seemed to be waiting for a command. Just then a large Viking, bigger than Stoick, stepped out. He had a dragon cloak hanging from his neck and he held a metal staff. One of his arms was covered in armour.

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