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"Of course I will Cameron." I say with a smile, extending my arms up and we embrace into a hug. I was now in a sitting position, where I was comfortably sat in his lap. His head sat in the crook of my neck, and my head leaned against his.

"I love you Skye." He mumbled in my ear. "I love you too Cameron." I replied, running my hand through his brown hair. "But I don't think we would be telling the fandom yet." I say, and he nodded. "Agreed, were kinda busy." he laughed and the door clicked open. We payed no attention what so ever, and turned to the door.

Cam's mom was stood in the doorway, frozen. "Hey mom. Skye and I are dating." Cameron said, his voice muffled as it was still in my shoulder. "Am I interrupting something?" She asked. "Kinda." Cameron replied coolly still not making eye contact to his mother.

"Skye, are you staying the night?" She asked and I nodded. Gina was aware of my living conditions, that Amber (my step mother) was completely horrid. But she didn't know the detail that she was abusive and cruel. She let me stay the night anytime needed, which I appreciated. She was like a second mother.

"You two are so cute." She cooed and I hear Cameron groan. "Mommmmmm!" He whined and Sierra came into the doorway. "Aw! You two are adorable! Are you dating yet!" She asked, I buried my face into Cam's shoulder to cover my blush.

"MOM SIERRA GET OUT!" Cameron yelled, and the two of them begin to giggle like school girls and close the door behind them.


The next day I woke up feeling different. My stomach wasn't fluttering like the night before. It felt empty, like it was being weighed down my rocks. My body was numb, and I felt empty. I was stressed, down and I didn't know why.

The bed was empty, where was Skye? There were noises coming from downstairs, that was probably her. I had no motivation to move, what was the point?

I didn't feel like Felix.
I felt like Cameron.
The Cameron I was before vine.
The Cameron I was before I seeked out for help
The Cameron I was when Skye wasn't there.
The Cameron I was before; depressed, and my anxiety through the roof. Letting everything get to me.

I lay in bed, my body paralyzed. No motivation to do anything. But I had to get up. Slowly I hauled myself up, my body felt heavy. Like if I jumped into the pool fully clothed, and I hop out.

Maybe a shower will help. I thought to myself, I turned the water to a steaming level and cranked my music loud. But I couldn't handle anything, I started sobbing. Water poured over my body, the sound of water hitting the tiles masking the sounds of my sobs.

What was the point?

I step out if the water, and I wrapped a towel around my lower body. My body still felt weighed down, and in slow robotic motions I pulled on my clothes. Grey shirt along with random camo pants that were at the top of my dresser.

I sink to the floor, my back pressed against the bathroom door. Tears streamed down my face, I choked back sobs. Why was I this way? Why was I created? Why did I feel so horrible? I have nothing to feel shitty about.

A memory flashed in the back of my brain, somethings Skye had said when I asked her why she hurt herself.

"Because it's a way I cope, it's a relief. To show me I can still feel. It's a wake up call, to say; you're not dead yet. Why keep trying? What's the point? I feel like I deserve it, yunno? I'm not worth it."

She said that, then proceeded to break down into tears. My heart didn't shatter as it usually did at the thought of this memory. But an idea popped into my brain.


I went into my room, heading straight into my closet. On the shelves that were over my hanging clothes was a shoebox. Days before i had confiscated Skye's blades, I couldn't just throw them away. I was worried my mom would find them and ask what the hell they were for. So my resolution was to hide them, high out of Skye's reach and hidden away.

I reached for the shoebox and pulled out a small box. Taking in a sharp breath I pulled out a blade, and sticking the small box back into the previous container it was in and running back into the bathroom.

It didn't hurt, 5, down my left wrist. I watched as blood slowly trickles down my arm. It did help, relief. I had control once again. But suddenly everything hit me like a truck.

What was I doing? What kind of person am I to tell people not to mutilate themselves, but to do it to myself. What kind of boyfriend was I to tell Skye not to hurt herself, but I do the same.

Panic flows over my body and I reached for my phone that was sitting on the sink. Clumsily I dialled Skye's number, she picked up first ring.

"Cameron what the hell im downstairs." She said and everything comes up like word vomit.

"Skye, I did something really bad." I stuttered, beginning to sob again. "Cam, what do you mean?" She her voice full of concern. I can't find words, my cries overpowering my voice. "Sit tight okay? I'll be right there." After she says that I hear footsteps up the stairs and someone rush into my room.

Skye came into my bathroom, and her eyes widened. "Cam, no.." She whispered sitting next to me, and picked up my wrist.

"I'm so sorry Skye, I'm such a bad person, I just-" I hiccup in between my words and she cuts me off. "Shh, it's okay cammy. I'm here." She looked at me with her deep blue eyes and swipes a piece of hair away from m face.

"But I-" she cut me off again.
"You'll be okay."


Yeah, I may or may not of had just deleted an entire chapter. I didn't know how to continue my last part, so I scraped that and now I have a much better... Palette... Idk

anY whOre

I'm gonna get back into my half ass stories.

Dedicated to
Cause you people actually read this thing😂
Vote, comment, that crap if y'all want. Okieeee
Peace out Girl Scouts.

Felix || Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now