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♤ Skye ♤

"Perhaps, why?" I replied as Cam glanced at the table. "Um-"

"Well, I've seen you looking at our waitress. So you think she's cute?" I ask, trying to cover the bitter thoughts in my brain. If Cameron does end up dating this girl, he'll forget all about me. she's prettier than I am, but had a tongue like a nightmare and cut me like a blade.

Cameron's blush deepened, and I can't help but to smile. "Aw, Cammy has a crush!" I cooed, leaning over and pinch in his cheek. "ow." Cameron said batting away my hand.

"Okay, back to the point. Skye, so you like anyone at the current second we are taking breaths, and or in the near future." Cameron added staring me in the eye, his dark coffee coloured eyes locking on my blue ones.

Yes, I do Cameron. I like you, but you like that blonde girl, and if I tell you that she was terrible to me, you'll accuse me of being jealous, and that will ruin our friendship, and after a week of us not being friends... I'll be long gone, and you won't care, because you're with your model girlfriend, and you think I'm a terrible person.

"Alexa." Cameron called at me and I snapped out of my daze. "yeah?" I say
As he looked t me worry filled his eyes. "Um," maybe if I lie it will prevent that.

I can't loose the only person in my life.

"Uh.. Um.. Nash."

Cameron's lips pressed in a thin line, and my stomach flips. It felt as if I was giving an oral in front of the class, it's only Cameron. I thought, you shouldn't be nervous.

"Mhm," Cameron smiled, and i felt as I was to vomit. I'm okay with secrets, but not with Cameron. He sees through my lies, like glass.

"How 'bout you? I see you checking out our waitress, what's her name?" I replied with a smirk, trying to play off the urge to vomit.

"Her names Katy. But I also have someone else in mind." Cameron replied to me. Who does cam like that isn't Katy? Cams face flushed; again. When you thought he couldn't look more embarrassed.


"Shit, uh.... Oh look there's our food!"


♤ Cameron ♤

I felt my face burn, Skye likes Nash. Nash probably likes her too. But something was off, when she said it her eyes just.... There is no way to properly explain, but to the extensive time I've known my best friend I can tell when something was off. And this was definitely it, when she said her eyes filled with fear.

Or maybe, I'm just screwed.


Skye and I made our way back to the table and I eyes Nash, who greeted Skye with a kind smile.

Nash. Stop stealing my girl.

I watched as Katy and another waitress came with our pizza, Katy looks to me and grins.

"Hey, my shifts about to end. Wanna hang out? Let's do something fun."

I looked over to Nash and Skye, who were deep in conversation, both with large grins on there faces.

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