After Effects

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  All night I couldn't sleep. That dumb movie  kept me awake all night. I head to breakfast with a throbbing headache.
  Everyone ewas already situated at the table finishing their meal. Saskue and Kimimaro looked at each other and giggled. "It's not funny."
  There was a moment of silence until Naruto busted into the room.
  "Hey Saskue!"
  I scream throwing my breakfast all over Kakashi. Laughter erupted from the kitchen like thunder from an active volcano.
  I blush,"s-sorry."
  The rest of he day, I've been scared.
  I thought I heard screaming down the hall so I ran in the restroom while Kimimaro was getting dress. He just looked at me. It comes to find out, Naruto and Saskue were just arguing. Or when Zabuza charged in my room and I slapped him with Sakura's laundry. She doesn't know that happened. And when Naruto was making instant ramen and when the microwave went ding, I forced myself on Saskue and Naruto, Kakashi, Zabuza, and Kimimaro had to pull me off him. I was really frightened when I heard something coming from the restroom. It sounded like water running at first. Then moans came. So, Naruto,Saskue, Kimimaro and I went to go check it out. It was just Sakura using the restroom. She was mad and gave us all, just Naruto because he was the first to enter, a beating.  When I was standing outside enjoying the scenery, Kimimaro comes from behind me and I scream and fell into the river.
  No more scary movies for me.

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