Sound 5

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  I stayed close to Zabuza, or when he left to speak with Kakashi, I'll stay near Kimimaro. I felt weird and out of place next to Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto, especially since I tried to kill them. 

  "What's wrong with you?"  

  I break out of my thoughts turning to Kimimaro. 

  "Yeah you, why do you always stare at me."

  "That day, when we first met. Your eyes, they are still the same as the day we were once acquainted."

  He nods and continues to walk. "Well, you should quit spacing out, the group is already far ahead of us."

  I nod before a kunai is thrown a few distant from my head.

  "Tayuya, Jirobo,Kidomaru, and the siamese twins Sakon and Ukon. "

  "You know them."

  "Yes, they've came to steal me."

  I rush in front of him, "then I must protect you."

  "Not really," says the grey haired one, Sakon, "we came to wish you good luck on your studies."

  "It seems you already have a girlfriend," the spider-looking one, Kidomaru says.

  I blush as Kimimaro just stares at him. 

  "I'm a boy!"

  "Really? You're even more girlier than Tayuya," says the big one with orange mohawk, Jirobo.

  They break out with laughter except for the tomboy Tayuya.

  "Well if you just came to insult me-"

  "Let's get to the chase," a body appears out of Sakon, Ukon, "we want you to elect the next leader."

  "The last one still breathing after I knock all of you out."

  "C'mon Kimimaro, you have to give us a break," says Kidomaru.

  I laugh, "so this is your group?"

  "The sound five. They are all much pretty weak, that Naruto kid and his friends could beat them up."

  "Oh, they must really be weak." Yet Naruto seems really strong.

  They all groan charging at Kimimaro, I help them peel off his back. 

  "I'll be back for intel for Orochimaru, so don't get your hope too high."

  I glance at him. Orochimaru? Intel? I thought we were leaving for a change.

  Kimimaro turns and starts heading the other direction, "Haku, is it? Quit staring or else no one will believe your a boy."

  My cheeks blush red with fury, "I wasn't staring."


  "Just thinking."

  "So daydreaming."

  I grunt walking beside him as we leave the Sound Four standing there. Sound Five. Or should it be called Sound Six?

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