Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"You more then messed up, you just lost your fucking wife! I hope it was worth it." —Angel

A woman covered her daughter's eyes as they scurried past, cars slowed down and people from the surroundings tables all stared. It was like a live soft porn movie. I couldn't even think or do, I just stood there and watched them.

Now that she had her ass on my husband's lap, I could get a clearer view of her. Tall with a butt that looked like it belonged to a horse. The girl slowly unzipped Money's fly and slipped her hand inside. Somewhere in his head he must've now remembered they were in public, or just thought she was going too far, because he quickly caught her wrist; but he wasn't stopping her much because her hand was clearly still moving around in there.

I couldn't take it anymore and had to look away, when I do I'm staring into the face of Nicole. She looks so sympathetic, she gently squeezes my arm. "Are you okay?"

I don't answer, just begin to walk toward Money and his whore. The truth was I was too embarrassed to say anything. I couldn't look in either of the girls faces and I just wished they would drive off and leave me, I didn't know how I would face them after this.

I could hear them behind me but my sole focus is on my husband. My husband of four years and my soulmate of a lifetime, who's committing infidelity. The one person who promised he would never hurt. I walk right up to them. I'm standing so close I'm sure I'm less than six feet away.

The sad thing was I would never question what he was doing here with her, if I hadn't seen that display.

I guess they could feel the presence of someone looming over them, because they both look over at me at the same time. The whore gasps and gets up immediately. I don't know if she already knew who I was, or if it was my attitude made it obvious. I see the surprise on Money's face—the slight shock, but he remained calm. Not moving, not reacting.

His eyes shifted behind me, checking out the crowd that I came with, but he stayed silent. The look I'm sending him is hot enough to burn down countries, but he returns my stare expressionlessly. I have no idea what's he's thinking. He's sitting there like he doesn't even care.

"Who is she?" I ask him, struggling to keep my voice leveled. I was not gonna come out here and have a screaming match or cause more of a scene then he already just did with his slut.

He finally got up, presumably in case he thought I'd haul off on him. He backed up a good foot or two but continued to stand there making me look crazy. Like I was talking to the wrong person. It was pissing me off, but then what could he say anyway? What did I want him to say? He was cheating on me and there was no way around it.

"I'm just a friend."

I look at the whore when she spoke, feeling my chest rising up and down. "Did you know he was married?" I ask, angrily. In all fairness, Money didn't wear a wedding ring, but I was willing to put my head on a chopping block and say she knew he was. A woman who behaved like that with a man in public, didn't give a fuck about anything.

She turns to look at Money like he was suppose to feed her her next set of lines, but I snap my fingers and take a step closer, making her eyes widen and look back at me putting her hands up. I knew I was suppose to confront Money and not her and that she was not the enemy. But Money wasn't saying a word and I saw that she was scared of me.

So I figured if I couldn't get anything out of him, I might as well get them out of her. The real answers. The truth. The truth I knew he probably would not be willing to give me—or ever give me, for that matter.

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