Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Money is money and anyone's money becomes Money's money. You should know this by now, Angel." —Money

September, 16th 2007

Angel walks into the bedroom with a large plate of three thick slices of baked honey roasted ham, two large turkey wings and half a plate of rice and lentil. It felt like Thanksgiving afternoon. But it was nothing but Angel apparently just in the mood to cook a nice meal.

I sit up, rubbing my hands together. Angel started learning how to cook a little after we moved into our place. She was no professional chef but she could actually cook some intricate stuff. With all the free time she had she put it to use doing something at least, which was a good thing I guess.

Angel sets the tray on my lap and on it also rests a tall glass of ice tea. I notice she isn't eating which most likely means she isn't hungry. I was so engrossed in the food I almost bite my tongue. It was either that or it was because Angel was sitting next to me with her knees tucked under herself, watching me eat. This was normal, so I don't know what I was so on edge about. Might've still been jumpy from being questioned about Tasha's text a few days ago.

When I saw her I had something for her dumb ass. She was lucky I didn't hit females because I would smack the shit out of her for that stunt she pulled. She knew better than to be playing with my wife, I told her that. I'd hit her where it would hurt instead. I paid half of that tuition bill she was in medical school for. It didn't hurt my pockets to drop the cash and only strengthened her loyalty to me. But I had to teach her a lesson. She wanted to play with my marriage, I'd play with her education.

"Whassup, you good? Why you looking at me like that?" I ask, deciding to say something about her staring a hole through my face.

"Nothing." She says, hastily. She was staring at me like she'd never seen another human being before. Then she gave me a small smile. "I love you Benjamin Carter."

I take a big gulps of the juice before I set it back down on the tray and wipe my mouth with a napkin. I look at her, "You are so strange, you know that? You say the most random things at the most random times. And I love you too, but come on stop, you know I hate that name."

"Yeah, yeah." She mumbled, taking my napkin and wiping my mouth off properly. She dabbed around the corners of my mouth while I continued to eat.

"We should go to the movies next weekend. There's this horror movie coming out I wanna see."

"Okay." She agrees though she hates horror movies. "Need me to get anything for you?" She asks.

I feel it, if only for a brief second, the very slight annoyance of her hovering over me. But I'm trying to control it on my face. I give her a brief smirk and look away. "Nah, I'm good." I hope my tone is normal.

"Okay." She kisses me on the cheek, leaving me to eat. She may or may not have gotten the hint. It's not that I hated it, I just preferred it to be toned down a little. I already know she was going to go clean something. She would tidy the house even when their was nothing to clean, even like right now. The place was spotless.

Just as she almost gets through the door she must have looked over her shoulder and noticed I was done with the food, because she comes back to take the empty tray from me and leaves. I hear the sink turn on soon after and she begins washing the dishes. Shortly after the vacuum cleaner comes on.

Dressed in nothing but dark gray boxers, I laid back on the bed thinking about where I'll be in five years. I remembered my teacher asking us that in class in foster care one day. I can't remember what grade I was in or how old I was but I always remembered the question. I quickly stop thinking about it though, because it was a stupid question. Most people are never doing what they plan in five years.

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