Chapter Twelve: Contestant 157...

Start from the beginning

"Dude if you're going to do that contest I told you about you need to tell the people by today because they audition this Monday, which is in two days."

Then the kid hopped back on his skateboard and sped off before Eli could even say a single word. Then Eli reached into his pocket as he remembered these were the ones he wore on his birthday. The paper was folded in rectangle three times; Eli unfolded and read the paper.

"Think you can sing or play an instrument or both, if you received this then you have been hand selected by our recruiters to enter this contest. Grand prize is fifty thousand dollars and a guaranteed record label deal. Auditions will be held the Monday after you've receive this paper or the Monday after if you received this on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Please call us at least one day in advance before auditions so we can give you a number and tell you where the auditions are. Hope to see you soon!"

Closing the door Eli phoned the number and got a voice mail, so he left a message and asked to be called back. This was just what he would need to help pay for the surgery even if he truly didn't want Luke to go through it. Eli decided to ask Jeremy and Izzy what he should prepare to sing for the competition and he invited them over to his house for the first time in a while. A quick flashback to what happened last time started to cross Eli's mind, but he told himself that it's been almost a year since that happened and things are getting better, even it if was a lie to himself it stopped the flashback. About an hour later the brother and sister duo walked into the house scaring Eli as he walked out of the bathroom.

"(Whatever you would say in this situation), guys knock first, then wait for me to let you in."

"Best friends just walk in, read the rule book."

"Wait there's a book?"

"Wow someone's a little gullible."

"Izzy tell your brother to be a little nicer to his quote on quote best friend."

With that she shoved her brother and they all headed down stairs to wear Eli would consider his studio is. Jeremy asked Eli what songs he has sung already in any public performance and he wrote them down. Then Izzy ran back outside to grab her laptop to check what songs he sang with the videos she had taken. After watching hours, upon hours, of videos Eli's phone rang.

"Hello Eli, I'm glad you called which means you have been chosen and I hope to see you at the park in Glendale which is the town next to yours Monday at eight in the evening. Please visit this website that is being sent to your email you left us and fill out a waiver and application. Congrats on being contestant number one hundred fifty-seven. Don't forget eight pm sharp or you will miss your audition. Prepare one song you have never sang before to wow us with, good night Mr. Carter."

They ordered a pizza and spent finished watching the last video by seven in the morning. Yawning Eli and the gang took a nap until twelve and then went back to deciding what song to sing. Eli went onto YouTube and pulled up a song he was thinking about singing, but not playing since he wouldn't have enough time to learn the song successfully. Singing along with the intro Eli felt confidence he had lost in the past months.

"I'm a realist and optimist, but I swear to you I'm not getting over this. Walking tall in a small town, full of yourself when you're feeling down and that's all that matters to you. Can't pretend anymore. Talk is cheap, I've said that before, but you can still taste it and that's one more reason why you're never gonna make. I have enough of all the talk on how you're saving me. Talk like you're self-assured, but all you are is history."

"Eli that song is perfect for you, you have to sing it you'll surely qualify for the next round."

"I agree with Izzy that song is almost meant for you dude."

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