Chapter 31: Decision Part 1

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"I have one big favour to ask of you."

"Favour? What kind?"

"Um...I need you to..."

"...You mean mate?"



With that kind of reply, she clenched her fist tightly on the table. Her face was aggressive, frightening, but Dark didn't seem affected by it at all. He just blink on his glinted eyes with his gaze still on her. Suddenly, she burst out laughing and slamming her fist on the table.

"What's funny?" asked Dark with the same blank expression, but what was on his mind was, "She's a lunatic."

"You are!" She replied in between giggles.

"Huh?" said he.

"I saw that coming. You don't see what lies behind." He thought, with an inquisitive look in his face.

"Don't you think things are happening way too fast?" she continued. "I can't really tell if you're serious about it."

"I am dead serious about it."

Riku stopped laughing when she heard him say that. She turned her head to him and glinted her eyes. "Pervert!"

"Call me a pervert as much as you like. I'm only doing this for your sake."

"For my sake?" she stood up and shouted, slamming both of her fists on the table. "How can asking me an absurd favour be for my sake?"

"Hm..." He closed his eyes and sighed. Explaining to her will be difficult. The offer was too much for her to take. They were only staying under the same roof for about 3 days and then suddenly, it would lead them to such activity.


"This is not just a favour. This has something to do with your stalker and it is urgent."

"My stalker?" Riku calmed down. "How?"


Dark continued explaining, hoping that she would hold her temper until the end of their conversation. He wasn't assuming much or anything, just wanting her to pay attention.

"You see that I can't always be here by your side. I can't protect you forever."

"That's true." She calmly agreed. "But why are you telling me that?"

Dark knew that his new life will end soon. However, he couldn't find the courage to tell her. He knew that he had already fallen for her and to do it with her was not a case for him. Anyone can get carried away, depends on how strong their self-control was. But the real issue was... what about her?

"I informed you about the new abilities I haven't discovered, right?"

She nodded in agreement.

"Part of it was my ability to share my powers."

"Really?" she asked with enthusiasm.

"Yes. And it can only be passed through copulation."

Her face fell. "Does it really have to be that? Is there no other way I could avail it?"

"If there is, I should have given it to you right away."

"But I'm only sixteen, you're only seventeen. What if I get pregnant? We're both minors and I can't handle parenthood yet!"

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