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Dedicated to DatJohitz and tango_taengoo my buddies!

Read tango_taengoo's story "Star Crossed". Give her votes and comments!

Just informing that the next chapter would be the last chapter. Aww so baaad:"(( /hates myself/

BUT if I got 40+ votes for this chapter and 40+ votes for the next chapter, I'll make a special additional chapter.

So, give your votes and comments!


If you need me, just call my name and I promise I'll be there.

That was what he wrote on the letter.

"Does it worth to try?"

I kind of miss the old tree in front of the school, where I used to leaned in when I got bailed on. When I went there, there were several people; mostly juniors; who were doing some stupid fake rituals to call out vampires since the news that vampire was here spreaded. How stupid.

I had nowhere to go. I couldn't go to cafétaria with Dino, or else all eyes would be on me and I'd probably teased for being teased.

In this case, rooftop is the only place.

Rooftop happened to be the most quite and peaceful part of the school, where you can only hear hard wind blowing and your own breathe sound. People hardly came here, especially on break time.

Well, the rooftop is mine for now.

A pile of old chairs were stacked in one corner of the shack behind the entance door of the rooftop. I withdrew one of them and sat facing the front.

My back leaned backward against the chair, crossing my arms against my chest and also crossing my legs.

If you need me, just call my name and I promise I'll be there.

The words emerged again in my head. At first, it sounded silly and not like the Wonwoo I know. Wonwoo was far away from the word cliché, as far as I know. I thought he would be different from other typical couples.

I always thought that the word 'couples' itself was reaallly not my cup of tea. Like, nothing last forever, they'd broke up anyway.

But look at how the tables had flipped. Now it happened to me.

I knew how those people felt and why those people felt so now.

You might questioned yourself why I still putting hope on him when I know he was a vampire.

That was why I love him. Because he was different. I had this crazy idea that one day I'd brag to them happily that I love a vampire.

After several long thoughts passing by, I lifted my head up since my neck started hurting. My hand slowly rised above my eyes. The sun light bursted through between my fingers, then went through my eyes.

"The sky is so blue today, Wonwoo. I hope you are here to see it with me." I mutered.

"Damn. I started talking to myself now."

I slowly put my hand down back crossing it. The wind blew my hair backward and started making me drowsy. In a few second, I eventually fell asleep.



Cold fingers started stroking my cheek as a soft voice started calling my name. I slowly opened my eyes. My view was blurry at first but as soon as it got clearer, Wonwoo was standing in front of me, smiling sheepishly.

He was clad in his school uniform; his tie was tied neater than he used to.

"Hey there." He said.

"W-Won... woo?"

I immediately stood up, but he took a step back as I do so. His smile also faded.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked as my hand reached for him.

"A-aren't you... afraid of me?" his voice was shaking. I clenched my fist as it started to sweat.

"Why would I?" I asked questioningly.

"Because... you know. I am a vampire."

My smile loosen down at the word vampire. I had totally forgotten at the fact that he was a vampire, but he brought it back up.

Wonwoo seemed to feel full of guilty, and turned around. His back was facing me.

"I don't want to hurt you again." he said in soft voice.

My exhaled a heavy breath. My right arm was reaching for his shoulder. "Hey..."

My right hand turned his body around, and the other lifted his chin up. "It's okay. See? I'm not hurt, right?"

He stared at my eyes. His hand was running through my hair and started playing with my hair. I giggled as his true colours showed up.

"How you been?" he asked. I only nodded in response. I bursted into a huge grin.

"I thought you'd be gone for some times."

"Yep. But I heard you calling my name so I thought something happened. Did something happen?"

"Yes, something did happen, Jeon Wonwoo. You and Dino left me all alone and now here you are talking to me as if nothing happened!" I said half yelling.

He slowly pulled out his hand from my hair and shoved it into his pocket.

"Sorry, I should've said good bye properly. I just need time to think." he said in low voice. He then moved to the pile of chairs on the back, withdrew one of them and placed it next to mine.

He sat on it, leaned back and pat my chair, motioned me something. "Come here sit with me."

I obeyed, and rested my head on his shoulder.

"You know what, I think I have an idea." he said eagerly.

I turned my head to him. "What is it?"

He laid his head on my shoulder, then I put laid my head on top of his. "Why don't you come here every day around this hour. Then sit on this chair. And you have to place another chair beside yours."

I smirked. "Why would I?" I laughed.

"Because..." he intertwined his fingers with mine. "You'll have to tell me about your day, so that you wouldn't be lonely anymore. I wouldn't be beside you, but I promise I'll listen."

I lifted my head. "Promise?"

He turned his head at me and nodded . "I promise."

We both bursted into a huge grin. His cold hand was rinsed with sweats from my hand, but he didn't seem to be bothered.

"Close your eyes, Aggie."

I closed them, and his cold hands were gripping my face softly.

Then, his soft cold lips was planted into mine.

It was a deep and long kiss. The kiss was so sudden that I couldn't do anything. After a while, his grip loosen.

When I opened my eyes, he was already gone.


Another long chapter lol xD

Who's here like Monsta X? Comment your favourite member!



Jooheon in suit is just.... I can't...


Okay enough with the rant you probably want me to stop hehe sorry.

Btw I heard that Jisoo named his guitar Elena but is that true cuz-

Sorry for long updates:(( Just not used to update everyday.


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