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My eyes felt really heavy to made a single blink. I tried to adjust with the light flashing through my eyes.

"Ugh... hospital..."

I tried to sit up straight and my eyes wondered around, then I realized it was already night.

"Great. Mom's gonna kill me."

Not long after, Mom's head peeked from behind the curtain. "Aggie? Are you awake?"

I nodded in response as she walked in. She looked as if about to exploded, but her hands were shaking as if she was worried.

"I...got a call... from Wonwoo. He said you were in VPC before he brought you here." she explained.

I hung my head down, thinking what would dad say about this. He might want to kill me afterward.

"What were you doing there, hon? Are you tired of living as a human?"

"It's not it, Mom." I said as I attempted to get the headache away.

"What about Wonwoo?" I continued.

She sighed heavily. "Your dad is dealing with the officers there. He should be here soon."

Oh man. Here goes nothing.

For a half hour or so, mom sat beside me; comforting me by holding my hand as I told her what happened earlier.

Until dad ran through the curtain with his panted breath looking at me furiously as if he was ready to kill me.

He exchanged glances with Mom. "Well?" Mom said.

Dad sighed. "Everything went well. The boy was sent to VPC Hospital. The VPC judges have no evidence so they cancelled the charges thus the boy was freed from all demands."

Mom and I sighed in relief. But I still felt the burden in my chest, and getting heavier every second.

Beside thinking of Wonwoo's condition, I was also thinking if dad was trying to find 100 ways to kill me.

Dad rolled his eyes to me. "Cutting off school, breaking through vampires' area. I told you not to get near him you could've died back there what were you thinking?!" he said half screamed.

I started chewing my lips nervously. Then I felt guilty out of the blue. Why did I feel guilty after I safe my friend who was nearly in danger?

I know, he was being a total jerk. I wasn't even sure if he was worth enough to be called my friend.

And so, my parents took me home and laid me on my bed. I couldn't sleep for a while. A small drop of tears dropped at every thought of Wonwoo that emerged in my head.

His psychotic emo face, his deep voice, his smile, everything.


I didn't feel like moving off the bed, but I forced myself. I had to go to school, or else my homeroom teacher would call my parents.

When I arrived at school, weirdly, the girls started to murmured a lot more than the previous days. Their eyes glancing sharp at me made me had to walked as I starred the ground.

"Psst. Hey. Aggie."

I heard Dino's voice whispering and his hand suddenly jumped onto my shoulder and I spontaniously jerked.

But in other words, he saved me from people's eyes.

"Ouch that hurts." I said sarcastically.

"Hey good trick to skip math yesterday. How's that Jeon Wonwoo doing? Did he sucked your blood?" he whispered. I didn't answer and continued walking.

But Dino noticed my banded wrist. He lifted my wrist. "Heol! He didn't drink from here, did he?"

I pulled my hand out of Dino's grip. "Shut up, Dino. I'm not in the mood talking to you."

"No wonder everyone's keep staring at you." he continued.

"Wow. News do spread fast here."

He sighed as he put his hand on his waist. "Do you know that feeding vampires with human blood is risky for both the human who fed them and the vampire who's being fed?"

I lifted my head in response, my eyes were in line with Dino's. "No. Tell me about it."

"There are reasons why human's blood is banned by VPC. Feeding human's blood means that you're indirectly making connection. It's like drugs for them. Now, you are inseparable with that Jeon Wonwoo."

I just stood there, listening to him babbling, trying to process what he just said.

"W-well... was that mean I had to turn into vampires to be with Wonwoo forever?" I asked in low voice.

"Hmm... basically yes."

I covered my eyes with one hand. The headache came back.

"By the way you should teach me that trick someday. To skip class I mean. Maybe a cooler one. Like-"

I let out a snort of laughter and put my hand on both side of his face. "Ow my dear friend Lee Chan. Or should I call you Dino whatever. Unfortunately I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now so see you at class!"

I walked passed him and continued walked along the alley to my locker.

A piece of paper fell from it immediately. I looked around, and picked the paper from the floor.

I opened the paper. It was a letter.

Dear Aggie,

You may call me jerk or coward later, because I really am now.

Fyi, I'm not going to be around for couple of months, but I still don't know for sure. I am so sorry. But if anything happens to you, just call my name and I promise I'l be there.

Aggie, I want you to know that I never really resent you. In fact, I love you.

I love having you by my side and caring for me, despite you know the fact that I'm a vampire.

I really thought that you would leave me but you didn't.

I can sharply feel the fear of people when they know I'm a vampire. But I didn't feel that in you. In fact, you still want to be with me. Thank you.

I admit that I was wrong, for saying that I didn't want to be with you anymore. I regret it a lot.

They said that if I say that to the person I love, it'll be less painful. But they're wrong. I can still feel the pain 'till this moment.

Aggie, you're one of those lucky human, I must say. Live the life you should be. Don't let me down. My eyes will be on you while I'm gone.

Jeon Wonwoo


I made this part a bit longer. I hope you enjoy it:)

Sorry for long updates and lame story. Please don't remove this from your library:"

Mistyping sorreeeyy~~

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