"Yes, and it's the same doctors who never knew about my spinal injury," I said.

       Grayson sighed. "Can you please stop being so pessimistic? It could have been worse. It could have been permanent. You're lucky, okay?"

       "Yeah," I said quietly. I didn't feel lucky.

       Grayson got out of the car and walked to my side. He opened the door to the backseat and pulled out the thing I was regretting using. He unfolded it, then helped me out of the car and into the wheelchair I had to use for a while.

       Grayson noticed the scowl on my face, so he sighed and knelt down in front of me, grabbing my hands. "Poppy, stop it," he said. "You only have to use the wheelchair until you get into the surgery."

       "And how long will that take?" I asked.

       "Certainly not as long as those who have it permanently," Grayson pointed out.

       I sighed. "Sorry. I'm just....Freaked out, I guess. I can't walk, can't stand. I was perfectly fine for the longest time after the crash, then suddenly, this happens."

       "I know," Grayson said. "It sucks. These things just happen. But no matter what, I'll be by your side."

       I gave him a faint smile. "Thank you."

       Grayson leaned forward and gave me a kiss. "You're welcome." He stood up and pulled my school bag out of his car before closing the door. He hung it on the handle of the wheelchair before he started pushing me to the school.

       "And now I have to prepare for the many looks," I said. "How fun."

       "You're too cranky," Grayson said. "Just put a smile on your beautiful face."

       I leaned my head back, giving him a fake smile. He just rolled his eyes and kissed my forehead before walking into the school. Immediately, curious eyes went in my direction. I hated the attention a lot.

       "Does Belle know what happened?" Grayson asked as he wheeled me to my locker.

       "Nope," I said. "Tony tried calling her to let her know I was in the hospital, but she never answered. She was probably too busy with Devon." I rolled my eyes. Belle was always with Devon now. Not that I complained. She was my best friend and all I wanted was for her to be happy.

       "Well, then she's in for a surprise," Grayson said once we arrive at my locker. He opened it for me and grabbed my biology textbook. I tried getting him to let me hold it, but he refused.

       "Oh my god!" the familiar voice of my best friend said. Belle rushed over to me, holding hands with Devon. "Poppy, what the hell happened?! Are you okay?!"

       "My brother tried calling you yesterday to tell you I was in the hospital, but you never picked up."

       "I am so sorry!" Belle said. "I was busy. I should have answered my phone. What happened?"

       I sighed. "Remember the car crash?" She nodded. "Long story short, injured spine, lower half of the body temporarily paralyzed, need surgery."

       "Are you okay?" Belle asked.

       "Nope," I said.

       "She's being too pessimistic," Grayson said, rubbing my shoulders. "She's fine."


       "Flower, you're fine," Grayson said. "It's temporary, not permanent."

Senior Year with My Protector | Protector 1.2Where stories live. Discover now