Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

       "Poppy," Dad said as he pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. "You do know that you don't have to visit Grayson everyday, right?"

       I sighed. "I know, but....I miss him a whole lot. Two weeks ago, his heart stopped and I'm afraid it will happen again, so I want to spend every moment there."

       "Understandable," Dad said. "On the bright side, it probably won't happen again. The doctor's say he's improving a whole lot and you should expect him to wake up soon. Call me when you want me to pick you up."

       I nodded, getting out of the car and heading inside of the hospital. For the past two weeks, I had been going there every single chance I had. I talk to him, doing what Belle suggested and telling him memories we had together. Each day, I came back with a new one.

       When I was outside Grayson's hospital room, I heard someone's voice. I figured it was mom, sister, or cousin visiting him, but I was wrong.

       I stood right outside, giving me a closer look. Thalia.

       How did she know Grayson was here? The school didn't tell anyone where he was and I didn't. I even asked Belle not to tell anyone and I knew she wouldn't.

       I listened to what Thalia was saying to Grayson, honestly not sure if I should just walk in.

       "I still can't believe this happened," Thalia said. "It's not fair that you're in a coma. You don't deserve. I hope you're smart enough to break up with Poppy when you wake up." I raised my eyebrows at that. I knew she still liked Grayson! "I heard her say it's all her fault. If it is her fault, you shouldn't be near her. I know you a whole lot more than she knows you."

       "Oh, really?" I asked.

       Thalia stood up, turning to face me at the sound of my voice. "What are you doing here?"

       "Visiting my boyfriend," I said. "The same thing I've been doing everyday for the past two weeks. How did you know he was here?"

       "I overheard you talking to Belle about it," she replied. "I heard you tell her that Grayson is in a coma and that it was all your fault. I really hope he breaks up with you over this."

       "Seriously?" I asked. "He won't break up with me." At least I hoped he wouldn't....

       "I know him a lot more than you do," Thalia said. "I know his favourite color...."

       "Black," I said, proving that I knew it as well.

       "His favorite food...."

       "Fries with ketchup only."

       "His birthday...."

       "February 4th. He was born on a Tuesday in the year 1997."

       Thalia looked as if she was starting to get annoyed by me. "Both of his siblings' names."

       "Gale and Graeme. And he has a little sister, five years old, named Ginny."

       "His favorite place...."

       "The beach," I said. "Face it, Thalia. I know Grayson more than you."

      Thalia snorted. "Keep believing that, Poppy."

       "I believe it because it's true," I said. "Were you there for Grayson when he went through something so traumatizing? Were you there for him when he got shot by someone he used to be friends with? Were you there for him every single time he cried and needed someone to talk to?"

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